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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. big sid


    you'll be telling me ultravox is your fav group and you and wee midge are mates and had a wee smoke when your were younger.
  2. big sid


    change your name to mr google
  3. big sid


    see you boy your to smart for your own good.
  4. big sid


    had a few fords did an anglia with an engine from a corsair 2000e engine pop rear axle wide spats fuel tank in the rear seat base, had to pick away in second as it just bounced on the spot when wellied in first, had a capri brand spanking, and on old corsair that i did the big ends in but lucky a local joiner brought his van to me with a loud tapping noise and someone advised him it was fecked and needed a new engine which he had bought and was in the back of the van, of course it would have been very rude to disagree with the local expert and tell him it was a tappit that had run loose so i d
  5. big sid


    germans to make weed legal.
  6. big sid


    going to stop making it next yr, seems most young boys go on line for a tug pic, oops sorry wrong fiesta
  7. the worlds dirtiest man has died after taken a bath the first in sixty years
  8. your only saying that cos your 71
  9. not sure if its true but ive heard through a very well informed postman that theirs a snow leopard up in the cairngorms, he said he had to grab jess and hurry down the nearest ski slope.
  10. yeah your right fed up with lions and tigers, puma's, especially now their all over the countryside
  11. seeing as your a gers fan you'll not be out much
  12. big sid


    radio presenter tim gough has died while presenting his show on radio suffolk
  13. word on the street is he got the better of you, just saying like
  14. big sid


    first baby bison born in the wild in the uk in 6,000 yrs, better watch in case a big cat gets it.
  15. shetland has no phone or internet after its underwater cables have been cut
  16. russian jet has fired a missile at a raf plane they say its a malfunction
  17. no mate thats the only fault she has is the fact she's english on both sides, its a big cross to bear but with proper counseling she overcome that issue.
  18. you lot talk pure shite would be hardmen...... i bet tomo would knock f**k out you lot........ go on challenge him....
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