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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. you'll end up with a permanent erection (if your lucky.)
  2. big sid

    f**k It

    hope she makes a speedy recovery, ps will be thinking of you as i watch the wife prepare xmas dinner
  3. moyes going to celtic next and rodgers going abroad for a season then west ham.
  4. yip your probably right like rope a dope cunning barsteard that moyes.
  5. no i was just saying,but theirs no nice civil way to take a life
  6. surely that would mean that anyone wanting the death penalty brought back must also be barbaric.
  7. aye thought your lot were a bit unlucky.
  8. watched this thread right from the start and have to say you regular james martins are fly cheating bandits, their is no way on gods earth are you coming home after a hard shift and cooking up a mitchilen standard meal, some even have the gall to say theyre using some left overs from the day before, no you are taking pics out of recipe books and posting as your own except mack he doesnt claim to cook he just eats out three times a day a habit of the very rich, now if by chance im wrong(it would be a first)you can send samples to me, address it to my fav charity's office BSBF NORTH LANARKSHIRE
  9. yes mate no wet spaghetti here mate, was thinking its a lot of gays in that show but are they gay in real life or just playing at it,think the producer or someone that has a bit of say is gay and married to the vet in the show.
  10. why is their a line through my last post
  11. its like a pathe news reel for promoting gays.
  12. a wee spot of advocate on the back of your neck should get rid as a bonus it will deworm you as well.
  13. get yerself a nice cosy anorak a nice pair of joggy bottoms from pound land nice trainers from a charity shop a wooly hat in your teams colours and your set to go. you'll fit in in any company in any field sport all for less than a score.
  14. ange postacoglo when at celtic had the ball boys at training sessions and had them get the ball to celtic players at lighting pace and when it was the op they could take as much time as they liked.
  15. oh i understand it but as is your style its a bit ott
  16. ok but whats with the dramatics (hope he dies before he kills me)
  17. it must be hard to see your team do so well when your desperate for them to fail (your a sad man)
  18. you got a euro cup you got a few great nights during that euro run you played all over getting the atmosphere at other euro clubs, real fans enjoy seeing their club do so well, your team are sitting ninth in what is supposed to be the best league in the world and you have the gall to call the man who gave your teams fan all that a coward, when all along he used his football know how to reach to these levels the best way he could. yes our cl run was very poor but we dont call the manager a gutless coward no we look at it for what it was another 20 million in the bank and hope the board will inv
  19. your a bit of a weasel, the guys doing ok for a mickey mouse club playing in a big league
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