truth, last night i thought i'd have a go at making an omelette so i googled it and had a go, it finished up like a cheesy scrambled egg, so more eggs and tried again this time it stuck to the arse of the pan so i said feck it and phoned for an ali' if i cant boil an egg ffs so ive no chance of triple cooked double cooked or even oven cooked chips.
couple of questions, is shepherds pie the same as cottage pie, what do you mean arry when you say triple cooked chips surly if you cook them properly the first time thats them ready doing it again is either reheating or burning
vain your so vain (carly simon ) for having it done and stupid for telling youve had it done.then again it probably something rich people do, ps do you wear a large gold medallion.
they didnt start from scratch, they should have but they got a license to start in the third tier when they should have went to the very bottom, other teams who were liquidated had to or buy a place by taken over an other club. but not them a few handshakes and roll yer trouser leg up and yer back in, caught cheating but lets polish the brown brouges and pretend it didnt happen.
mack should we adults be supervised like we say kids should be so we only get the good and not the nasty go away stuff, then who could we trust to supervise.