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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. bet your arse gets burnt on the light bulb ya rich git
  2. big sid


    we alec salmond got not guilty on 12 charges and a not proven, shrewed we guy
  3. was just thinking the lady's of the night will find work a bit hard (no pun intended) to come by, perhaps they will give a few quid off.
  4. aye ok ok i'm only nine
  5. do you get asked to many party's (not barrymores)
  6. listened to a scientist this morning and she said it will be long time before we have a cure or a vaccine she went on about the dna of the virus and that nobody in the world had managed to find any clue about how to treat it plus there has been some cases of people having it twice which they hope is down to not been tested properly the first time, they know it can mutate and finding a vaccine is hard and takes a long time as they have to run tests to make sure the vaccine doesnt do damage to your organs over a period of time.a lot of younger people getting it more severly now.
  7. 70%more men than women affected
  8. bh not to sure on your figures but i listened to the head doc in charge of the incu in italy and he said its nearly half that come into the unit that die, he also said that just over 50% were over 55 meaning it was now getting more serious in younger people plus there are now concerns that a second wave of the virus is in china.
  9. think its family only at funerals and five at weddings
  10. jetro, i told my sister the lady had passed she asked if the same family still owned it as she can remember two young boys which the owners adopted but its a long time ago.
  11. does anyone think the virus is a man made weapon thats been developed and has accidentally found its way into the environment
  12. if my computer gets a virus will it die and should my whole family stay isolated for fourteen days, btw poxon we have an american bulldog a big fat fecker so we should be ok.
  13. if you get a greyhound try and get one like the ones i bet on that way it wont be able to run away from you
  14. frighten the shite out of me they dogs.
  15. case of it confirmed in a young lad who lives a few streets from me
  16. thats the one she might have pics of it
  17. a few fosters and a good night is calling
  18. yes connamarra , sister worked in the hotel there in the seventies and we went to visit a few times
  19. its the old roof my friend its needing repaired and them fecking roofers dont come cheap, now go say an our father three hail mary's and dig deep in the pocket.
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