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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. big sid


    the drug he took is banned in many sports as it gives an unfair advantage, no matter how talented he is his estimated height was 4ft 8in and no way were any team taking him onboard,so no drug no messi simples,
  2. big sid


    messi = drug no drug no messi no matter how good he was as a kid.
  3. lovely looking dogs getting put up but if they are as big as the picture makes them look theres a good few places they're not suit for.
  4. thanks mate he seemed to be a funny guy
  5. looking through some old ratting vids i see one you made pud, you had a tri coloured plummer that was very young and very good yer mate had a black dog called flint and i think you had an old black and tan bitch as well,enjoy watching these wee vids and seeing other lads and different dogs some of the men in them must still be about, anyone know if theyre still at the game.men like ALBERT FOX, JIMMY ROSE, JOE WOOLY, DAVE platt.
  6. rusty you should put a bit of decking down. youve got half the rain forrest there.
  7. if yours are as good as that you'll clean up
  8. you dont have to thank me for helping you out its what good guys do
  9. wipe any oil or fuel of it and burn the rest of by holding a match or lighter under the end, yes it gets hot so watch your fingers, then give it a light rub with a bit of emery paper just to clean the ends, wipe the ceramic end clean and check its not cracked then check the gap is right, only takes a few minutes
  10. reason you can turn it with the plug out is because it letting the air fuel mix out so there is no compression.
  11. thank feck you did all your shagging when you were young.
  12. give you a £150 for it if you get your man serf to deliver it to my front lawn
  13. well done you, love the way you get the dogs involved no matter the breed, get the c/d vid or whatever its called out.
  14. sorry i got it wrong mate has told me that glasgow do charge for wasps.
  15. sorry must have changed as they used to to do, my mate is a pestie with them i will ask cheers
  16. they coins fecking hurt when they came fae the tap windae an you wee b*****ds kept grabbing them aff the cobbles.
  17. wasnt meaning from your man,theres a few lads i know have them, i dont show i just keep some birds as i like them about the place at the minute i have oeg banties.
  18. big sid


    was that the soldier guy.
  19. thanks i may get some as ive liked them for a long time but i would have to shift my oeg banties to make room.
  20. crackers , are they hardy enough for the cold winters, as i was interested in some but the guy local to me shows them and lots of others told me they were not good in the cold wet winters and he moved them inside
  21. look up the mark brick when your there
  22. seen him withe the big yin and tam harvey when they were the humble bums
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