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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. every fkn rangers fan on the planet unless they get gubbed
  2. sit closer to it you will never notice its not the big one
  3. someone should tell the fecking fox that took our blanche on sun as she is badly missed and we will offer him a reward
  4. beware lads his other posts are about knobs and boobs and now he's looking for a frontend developer
  5. i 'll ask the wife she will tell me if i'm suitable
  6. mine used to when she was a younger woman now its like a total eclipse of the sun her bras like a two man tent. i mean her mammary glands not her minge
  7. did you batter him or thank him
  8. any cork stuff in the top pic,similar to a bitch of mine bar the ears.
  9. big sid


    were you up all night polishing them
  10. man u could use it theyrse keep getting burst
  11. yes i have heard that, in fact i think its in a book possibly one of plummers.
  12. are you talking about the russell's that bert sold to the cork lads i say russells as the first one he sold was not what he said so it was replaced
  13. make a change from announcing yourself as barrymores fudge packer
  14. excuse me for interrupting but mr banger do you have any modern game (min)for sale would like a trio. thankyou now pray continue with your adult conversation
  15. sorry to butt in but cant be arsed to read the whole thread, is this carl from hexam way a big lump of a man.
  16. you certainly keep some beautiful birds
  17. thanks micky i'll give them ago as i have some traps i bought from ebay and a little stream i know has them in it.
  18. are they big enough for eating micky and how do you prepare then or is a case of purge them boil them and eat.
  19. big sid

    White rat

    perhaps your a white rat breeder and have a contract with a laboratory and due to brexit or covid youve not had a delivery of rat food and hunger has forced the rats to force open their cages and escape. or perhaps you didnt lock the cages and youve allowed these mutant rodents to infiltrate our homes and factory's which will in time lead to the demise of all caucasian males under sixty five, then the white rat will change back to its original nigger brown colour and the young men of the dark skin race not the musketeer (darktanyin) will have to mate with all the paler coloured girls leading
  20. 10 hrs feck me i'd look like a biafran if i had to wait that long
  21. big sid

    White rat

    no pics it didnt happen, or your the pet shops best customer.
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