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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. big sid


    golden eagle numbers have soared(pun) to the highest numbers in scotland.
  2. big sid


    doctors have announced they are very concerned with the queens health
  3. 4-0 for the hoopy bhoys, while i'm on here tell how did the transfer window go for you sold a fav or bought well.
  4. same as ko time all starting at daft times that dont suit fans but do suit tv. and tv pays the piper so they call the tune,btw does anyone know the celtic v rangers score from sat
  5. big sid

    What job.

    stuntman in porn movie's
  6. its not the var its the corrupt c**ts running it, that was criminal (west ham game)
  7. i approached the council about a small piece of land if front of my garden, its just a small plot with overgrown weeds,brambles,and been next to the road it seems to attract rubbish. they agreed to sell it to me for 20grand as long as i left it as it is, i told them i wanted to improve it by making it part of my garden they then said it would cost me 50grand and i would need planning permission for change of use.
  8. you must do checks on any land to see if its registered, if it is you cannot just fence it off and claim it, if its not reg then you have a right to make a claim but must take steps to find the owner,reason i know is i have had two areas that i own and are reg to me yet some fecking tramps tried to claim as theirs, they both have ground surrounding my land and tried to claim them so they could make a road onto their land , well now i have fecked them off and none of them have access to their land.
  9. holy feck ! i mean who in their right mind would walk a dog in this heat
  10. how in hells name do you know so much about everything illegal
  11. same here charts i'm on two a day it started on one but 20yr on ive had to use two a day and the doc says thats still mild.
  12. big sid


    feck going to a b/b asking to be put up for the night
  13. big sid


    wae all they viruses i would guess yellow
  14. big sid


    a man has tested positive of hiv, monkeypox, and covid all at the same time, greedy cnut cant get them one at a time like normal gay''s
  15. he was a chippy, a good guy been in his company many times a long time ago, like the drink to much after the boxing was gone, he was pretty unwell a yr or so ago. in fact he is now in a care home with dementia, he is the only living british boxer in the international hall of fame
  16. scientists plan to bring a tazmanian tiger back from extinction
  17. i like it when they score and wheel away pulling their tops off and run about in the bra.
  18. granddaughter is called aedamar. her twin brother is called bob.
  19. big sid

    new virus

    a new animal derived virus has hit china
  20. big sid


    absolutely spot on mackay, judith durham or dusty springfield were the tops when it came to female singers
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