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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. big sid


    max i doubt very much that the queen died in scotland to give wee nicola a bloody nose, the fact is a lot of people find charles as a bit of a fun figure and now he is king he will not get the adulation that the queen had plus many people find him and camilla hard to stomach after diana's death.
  2. nought wrong with a pair of bethlehem boppers and a neat pair of ankle socks pulled up as far as they can stretch
  3. mate even twenty yrs ago really good russells were not that easy to get.
  4. whats with the nice try scum dont think for a sec i agree with them no way sir i just help out when their busy
  5. ok i'm not a pedo lover, but i either read or heard someone say been a pedo is a mental illness as you must be mentally sick to do or think the thoughts they have, this was backed up when a pedo who had his face blacked out was interviewed and said he had asked for help when he had thoughts of this nature but he was punished instead of been helped the same as other mentally ill people,
  6. big sid


    few guys on here mention blackrock
  7. i'm a bit insane(so ive been told) but compared to this lot i'm the sanest gender fluid hating, gay bashing,racist,sectarian(for katchum) wilf hating prick on here
  8. big sid


    self preservation nobody better at it than the royals.
  9. sorry to tell you priti patel has resigned so we both will need a new hobby so good luck with the smelter,think i might try wool spinning.
  10. get bush brass it better price that yellow brass or better still try and get pb wheels really good price
  11. big sid


    because unless you have super powers you cant or better not start telling me what i mean or accusing me in a cowardly manner of been something i'm not, ive never brought celtic into this .that is if i'm one of the two of course.
  12. when my old man was a broker we had a non ferrous yard and a ferris yard i used to find empty beer kegs lying around(usually at the pubs back door) and when he closed i'd go and melt them down along with some alli picks,until old bill came calling.we had a small furnace that could take a few engines a time so made some decent cash.
  13. big sid


    people talk here as if the monarchy have led us to a special place when in reality, they have nodded their heads and smiled as atrocities have happened, remember they have not had any power since the late seventeen century, so charles will not fail but carry on the tradition in his own unique way, the queen took her job and carried out her job in a wonderful manner by dedicating her life to been a figurehead. rip mam.
  14. big sid


    possible but does she have a canoe , and will the corgi's be seized
  15. big sid


    is harry and meghan still over here, coincidence? not one to start a bad rumour but.
  16. big sid

    What job.

    he he he meeting at ibrokes and wee gio's been summoned
  17. big sid


    thought had crossed my mind.
  18. big sid

    What job.

    f**k off you get on with sorting out the gers, imaging getting beat 4-0 by a toilet cleaner
  19. big sid


    yes i cant keep up to all this partying, birthdays, jubilee's, wakes.
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