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big sid

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Everything posted by big sid

  1. big sid


    feck me when they welsh boys say the dog stays the mean it.
  2. big sid


    the remains of 240 people have been found under a deparment store in wales
  3. probably recovering a couple of kilo as we type.
  4. i did see a bit on the tv border control in oz where a roll of paper looked like wall paper and they took it for testing and it had drugs init.
  5. how do they recover it without wasting it
  6. how do you know these things,you probably wrote the breaking bad script. you really worry me
  7. jacj russell on their tomo guy wants £200 for it needs a good home he says as it has now bitten someone twice.
  8. big sid


    kept them in an enclosure but its bonnie scotland and the constant wet weather soon turned it into a quagmire, ive an acre of wooded ground and five of rough pasture plus a half acre of garden and enjoy the hens scratching around in it,when bed time comes and you watch them all appear from different places some hurrying to bed other hanging the pea and in and out till its dark, ken totally agree the oeg bantie's are superb wee birds the cocks are amazing, sadly i wont get anymore unless a plague gets rid of old foxy.
  9. big sid


    isa brown were for eggs and oeg banties all gone now as its like mcdonalds here for foxes
  10. big sid


    well to tell the truth ken i'm waiting on a video been sent to me by my buddy he took it earlier today says its the biggest crayfish he's ever seen, its got me thinking if i get an old bath tub and some vegetation in it some gravel and rocks get a little cray fish and feed it with good crayfish food to see how big it gets, now would need to take into account that it maybe male in that case i would look for a fair size verging on a small lobster where as a female will not get near that size, funny you talking about pallets and sacks i just collected 50 clean coffee bean sacks, i might use them
  11. if one was spotted for real what would the authority's do? shoot or try to capture it.
  12. big sid


    over to you ken
  13. i'm between addresses at the moment, old chum, best pal,mate marra buddy.
  14. nigel is indeed a good guy, didnt his family have a mine where he worked before he decided the council was easier
  15. is it me thats mad or is this from another universe were gabbilygooch is the first language
  16. id drink that much tea id probably piss my pants on the way home.
  17. shouldnt be hard for a man of your talents
  18. big sid


    thank goodness i never bought the new cups.
  19. sgian dubh (small scottish dagger) pronounced skean du
  20. three people have been stabbed in london
  21. big sid


    just the fact that many on here take the piss about some coloured chaps.
  22. big sid


    1400 yrs ago you were all called leroy
  23. big sid


    dna from skeletons will show where the people who first claimed to be english came from.(probably some darkie land)
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