Now that is some top quality work there jimmy, I tried doing one myself couple of years ago by no means a simply task and I made a right mess of it to be honest.
The coffee tip is a brilliant bit of info
Always fancied a rapid myself, but the usual story of something else needs buying for the house or the kids every time I save a bit of money up, looks nice though
I've had a couple, a Webley one and a cheapy one which to be fair did just as good a job but as 452varmint says above just get a bottle much easier and faster
My Oldman gave me his Webley MK3 when I was about 8 or 9 can still remember straining like hell pulling the under lever back, will dig out some pictures if I can find them
Get them out as soon as they've had there jabs let them see what's what, as with everything some will be easy to break, IV had others I could never really trust.
Hello everyone, been reading as a guest for a while but thought I'd finally sign up got a couple terriers and live in the south west UK
Hopefully have some interesting discussions with you all