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Everything posted by Moby

  1. nothing more than a big splinter in the bollocks he's alive aint he dont see what the fuss is about the stupid twat will be more careful next time wont he bet his jeans are chaffing him though there is a funny side to every thing or am i odd not odd pal.i bet he is not looking foward to his first shite after that has gone either
  2. nothing more than a big splinter in the bollocks he's alive aint he dont see what the fuss is about the stupid twat will be more careful next time wont he bet his jeans are chaffing him though
  3. Moby


    is that darcys gimp swing
  4. its good stuff i always use it. dont be using rubys now waxy
  5. Moby


    johnny cash a boy named sue, a bit before my time but excellant
  6. sit down and shut up you big bald f**k
  7. im a bit anti dog show foxtrack,id be discouraging these young lads and get them out doing it in the feild where a dog can be proper judged. 13 to 19 year olds are not going to take the working terrier to next step by having more credible judges at shows it doesnt matter whos dog wins or whos judging.do a way with the lot i say got to agree with mucker,not been to a show since the late 80s.that in my opinion is when THE WORKING TERRIER show went down the pan.is there any true working shows left,were a few teeth missing or signs of work did not matter.
  8. thats me ruled out i dont like human contact
  9. i thought i was the only strange fecker but it seems there is a few of us
  10. me to mate.it does get hard work sometimes but the end result always feels betterwhen its just you and your dog
  11. there is one on ebay now at 18 quid at the minute dont think it will stop there that long
  12. got to agree with you foxdropper,we have dug a big earth many times over the years, twice i have been over the last three months, both times it has been dug four or five times and only partly backfilled. when i went to the farm hoping he didnt think it was me. but he told me he had seen the hunt had been there both times.
  13. well rudi you have obviously spoken to mr mason over the last day or two and he has reassured you that he was the rightfull owner the dog.has he told you about MARK P WEX OR ANYBODY else owning the dog.when this dog first came to light on your website it was said to be one of the hardest worked terrier uk. did mr mason tell you who by or did you make it up to make it sound better for peddling pups. if mr mason did not tell you these things you could clear all this up by stateing this. it would make him a dog thief and not you.DOG THIEVES ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. AND THIS IS WHAT THIS BOILS
  14. you wouldnt wish that on your worst enemy
  15. if mr mason was a genuine guy he would still have the dog or atleast contacting wex to explain
  16. Ps - so you are in the same Forum as me if you know that , but i cant find your name ... ! i sent you a pm with ALL details of what went on. differant name
  17. have you not asked questions about jet on another site
  18. the lad who owned the dog has no internet at home but wants his say so here he goes.RUDI i paid £250 for jet vhen he was 6 years old,the dog worked many foxes in his career but was not up to my standard on vhat i vanted him for.the dog was sent to the previous owner on the condition it came back to me.it was given to wex on the same conditions.vhen jet retired he was offered back to me but i declined for previous reasons. mason was pestering for the dog to put some strength back in to his line.he was given it on the same conditions.so RUDI THERE ARE THE FACTS. WHY CANT YOU COME AND STATE THE
  19. could you not of answered a simple question seeing as the man wont reply
  20. me and my pal fly a pair most of the time with no problems,each birds respect each others quarry if it has it by the head,sitting close by just incase.we have had a couple of hares over the last couple of week.
  21. i found one under the motor seat if its still there your welcome to it
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