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big neil

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Everything posted by big neil

  1. im in need of a new lamp can eny one HELP
  2. i know shepperton quite well.we have a few golf courses and a lot of ground in the bucks area. im looking to get a terrier after the new year.possibly a patterdale. looking forward to that
  3. thanks for asking mate i have a bedlington wippet/1/4bull and bullXgrey. the wippet bull is 16 months and my bullX is 7 months.my wippet is coming on really well hasnt let me down really happy with him.we walk the puupy with us on lamping nites and is dying to get in on action.His time will come and i think he will make a good dog.
  4. a a friend of mine has just brought his frist norfolk lurcher 8 months old bitch and would be greatful on eny tips on how to bring her on.she is out of the zeph and hawker blood line.we are use to having lurcher type dogs.
  5. a mate of mine has recently just got a norfolk bitch.its out of the zeph and hawker bloodline.its his first norfolk.she is 8 months old and would be intersted in hering more about them and how would be the best way to bring them on thanks guys.
  6. jonh and kay looking forward to some good chat
  7. welcome mate.just interested what dogs you got
  8. hi fello HUNTERS im a new member.my friend on this club bucko1 said to join and im looking 4ward to some good chat
  9. real strong pups mate.look stunning
  10. dont think he is talkin to us mate.its true what you say
  11. very nice pups mate shouldnt have a problem with them
  12. hiya mr h thats a pretty bitch you got there.is it chaseing rabbits yet
  13. yeah looks like you had a good nite i was out on the golf course to.my dog ladd had one aswell.very fast.
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