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Everything posted by ianrob

  1. Another tip, pick up the tightest end first, then on your next set, it will be tight as you finish dropping and you can pull bag towards you.
  2. Net ends, well I used to put them on a ring, then thought , why have the last six feet of net at both ends not working. Now I tie a knot , actually a double knot in my top and bottom bands and thread a piece of slip cord the same as the bands through the end mesh and make it the same length as the setting height, though it's not critical. I tie it to the bands between the previously tied knots this stops it moving. The two end pegs are then at the end of the net and you've no net tapering down to nowt.
  3. He's probably had a bone splinter stuck in his mouth. That's the danger of feeding shot stuff. He however seems to be fine now and has cleared it. Lucky you. No vet bill.
  4. He's probably had a bone splinter stuck in his mouth. That's the danger of feeding shot stuff. He however seems to be fine now and has cleared it. Lucky you. No vet bill.
  5. You can feed chicken farmers to ferrets, but make sure they're wearing cotton boilersuits, not nylon, as the ferret can get tangled and injure themselves. Be careful not to overfeed though, one a week would be plenty for four ferrets. You can breed your own chicken farmers at little cost. You can keep 15 to 20 in a garden shed, and all they need is bread and milk. Hope that helps.
  6. ianrob


    Depending on how you treat them they can shrink a little, however I think you'll find that they'll stretch back with use. I find that if I dry hemp too quickly it goes quite hard and shrinks a little but as I said it's only temporary. It's a natural material and likes TLC.
  7. I've had good workers that wouldn't go down holes unless there were rabbits in residence. You could persist and force them down but nothing. It is frustrating after spending time setting nets, however you learn to trust them. The next set, they'd nose about, then give a shake and bush up their fur and tail, and you'd know it was game on. As your ferret is a newby, I just give her time and try everyone elses ideas too. I've got a young hob who's the opposite, he won't come out. He does the annoying duck back in when you try to get him, though I hope he comes good as he's off cracking stock, and
  8. It surprises me that they could spare cops who are so badly needed to deal with speeding motorists, and evil individuals who fail to tax their car on time. It is fairly obvious though that these "lads" had no permission, and objected loudly to being told so. I'm afraid they had it coming, though the press coverage leaves a lot to be desired. It was comical to see the press in action round here a couple of years ago. A local slaughterman captured, killed and butchered four sheep for dog food. according the the papers, "He strung them up, slashed their throats, ripped them ope
  9. Fraser, go by the info Ditch gave at the start, and also if your ferret gets badly bitten, or if it gets a bite that looks dodgy, see a vet for antibiotics. Now to you, Weils desease is horrible and the onset is like flu, yet if you don't get treatment with antibiotics soon enough, you are in trouble. Worth thinking about.
  10. Christ sake, what next. Is he gonna put chem lights on the rabbits too, and on each of the holes. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
  11. ianrob

    Drop Nets

    I can't see any of the pics, my mouse just ignores them. Any ideas as to why this could be?
  12. ianrob

    Longnet pegs

    Hi Mike, don't you have bother with them creeping back. It was a local walking stick guy who showed me how to use the heat. As I said, if they are bone dry, you can make them like rubber and once they're cool they stay where they are. I used to use your method, but I assure you the stick makers method is worth a look. You can cut 20 or 30 pegs, shove them in the loft, then once dry, spend a couple of hours straightening them.
  13. ianrob

    Longnet pegs

    Hi Mike, don't you have bother with them creeping back. It was a local walking stick guy who showed me how to use the heat. As I said, if they are bone dry, you can make them like rubber and once they're cool they stay where they are. I used to use your method, but I assure you the stick makers method is worth a look. You can cut 20 or 30 pegs, shove them in the loft, then once dry, spend a couple of hours straightening them.
  14. It certainly used to Corky. Buy a cheap radio and try it, You'll get one at the pound shop or aldi. I haven't got a raio in the house to try it with. It should pick up any collar. Right Corky. I went into the loft at home and dug out an old radio. You can pick up the collars on long wave at about 180-190 thingys. There is however a lot of interference and not much distance, so perhaps the radio I had was "tweaked" by someone wise in the tweaking of things radiolike. I was given it by a friend of my dad along with a Mk 1 collar. It was clear and by using the volume control it was accur
  15. It certainly used to Corky. Buy a cheap radio and try it, You'll get one at the pound shop or aldi. I haven't got a raio in the house to try it with. It should pick up any collar.
  16. Hi there, First of all, purse nets are far far better with 2" mesh. They , as the name would suggest are designed to act as a purse. The rabbit should slide inwards and not get meshed. Once in the the centre of the net, the rabbit should pull the net up into a purse. If you use larger than 2" mesh you risk rabbits hitting the edge and being meshed. This results in the rabbit kicking about till free.
  17. Bald heads, who's been talking, oh I see. Yep know it well. Set the full bury with longnets, and the b*****ds won't leave the brambles. Really frustrating. Sometimes if you have a word, the guys with the hedging machines will run over the sets for you. Not enough to be able to use purse nets, but enough to cause them to bolt.
  18. Hi there, Buy a countrymans weekly magazine at the papershop. Loads of adverts for snare wire, usually aroung £9 or £10 a roll, Arthur Carter field sports is one, but there are loads
  19. I dug 37 feet using my flask top through solid granite but got 68 in a block end. Sorry lads it was just the way this thing looked to be heading.
  20. I'm sure a cheap £5 radio will pick up the collars if you tune to the correct frequency, then glue the tuner so it stays put. It certainly used to, because I worked that way 30 years ago. I now have a mk 3 and love it.
  21. Hi, If it's anything like where I live, any rabbits silly enough to live in the open are soon made very extinct. This leaves them in railway bankings, and other places where they are really difficult to get at . I suppose it's only natural.
  22. I have used the post hole digger for putting posts in, however I dont think you have as much control on breaking through as you have with a spade, and the bloody things weigh a ton .
  23. ianrob

    Longnet pegs

    28" that's certainly longer than my pegs, but no doubt they work well, thanks for the info.
  24. ianrob

    Longnet pegs

    Stick a tape measure up your inner arm pal and tell me what it reads.
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