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Everything posted by ianrob

  1. Hi mate, as john b says, Woodga'll get back to you, he'll be busy splitting logs today. ian.
  2. If it is otter Ditch, then that might affect your chances of a mink. Down our local stream, which is now abundantly stocked with otters, I hardly see a mink, and they were really numerous at one time. Perhaps the otters don't like the competition.
  3. Any further forward yet Ditch, what do you reckon, mink? otter?, and are the spiny things hedgehog spines?
  4. See if it tastes of salmon Ditch , it could be a grey seal. We had one near us, it used to come up the river every day attacking salmon and seatrout shoals. I remember someone saying while watching it, " I hope that bast*rds next shite is a hedgehog" Up until then, I never knew that they ate hedgehogs , but you live and learn. It lived quite happily for a few months ravaging the local fish stocks, and I assume, hedgehog population, until someone "put it out of it's misery" That'll be the culprit yes indeedy
  5. Given free rein on a meadow in spring, a heavy infestation will bury half the available grazing. This is the time that they do most damage.
  6. You'd just need to drop them logs to split them, nice clean trees. Mince 97 rabbits? do you feed the dogs on them?. You must have a good mincer.
  7. Pleased you're keeping an eye out Woodga, before I make too much of an arse of myself . You seem to have caught a few in the picture there mate.
  8. The tealer looks a bit long mate, what length did you make it? The brass wire is basically three pieces 45" long folded over the eylet in the middle and spun. when I say 45" that's 22 1/2" finished size.,It looks the business though. i dont know if its the right way to do it ian but its made out of one pice of wire .and went around the eye 8 to 10 times. the tealer was long but it was a trial one The tealer completed should measure 9 1/2" top to bottom. The snare should be six strand, ie 3 strands doubled over the eyelet then twisted or spun.
  9. The tealer looks a bit long mate, what length did you make it? The brass wire is basically three pieces 45" long folded over the eylet in the middle and spun. when I say 45" that's 22 1/2" finished size.,It looks the business though.
  10. ] I'd better check round my way, god knows if those holes are appearing there too.
  11. Hey Ditch, you know the woman who walks her dog along the road over the bridge, the one you don't like. No I'm not saying she did it. A fox could have laid it on a moudie heap beside the bridge, and she kicked it over the bridge to stop her dogs from rolling in it. Looks like a Charlie one to me.
  12. Cobbledecks used to buy them, if they're still on the go.
  13. Nowt much you can do about some folk. Learn to chin and not karate chop, that always looks worse to me. Posting on youtube and the likes on open access is always going to get you some stick, so be on very best behaviour. take care pal, ian.
  14. The ultimate form of rabbit control. Great news for some, the end of rabbiting for others. Where I live, the landowner put in about two miles of rabbit net complete with drop boxes along a stretch of railway line. We used to net it and snare it, and admit it could get out of hand in the summer. Not anymore, there are no rabbits. Soon we'll need certificates to control rooks and pigeons, tags on our snares, and only the crappy bits where it's too difficult or uneconomical to fence left for rabbits. I saw an atricle recently regarding some large estate in the Scottish Borders, the factor
  15. Hi Rolfe, I sympathise, I once made a ladder type crow trap and baited in the trap and all round with maize flaked barley bread and a couple of rabbits opened up. I went back a night or two later to take a look and it was literally wrecked. It was undermined and had about ten great big holes through the wire. Brock prints everywhere. I moved the trap, and the farmer put bullocks in the field. It ended up fixing a hole in the fence. ian.
  16. Well markieboy they are giving you plenty of stick. I have never used one of these traps, though I'm very tempted, as they look as if they would lend themselves to all sorts of applications. If you are strong enough to compress the spring fairly comfortably and hold it compressed with one hand, then you are in business, as it is just a matter of flipping the dog into place. If you can't and not everyone is built like Arnie, then perhaps you could modify a g clamp so that you could compress it easily. Perhaps the device Ditch mentioned would help. Watch your fingers, you've only got nine, wots
  17. I don't believe it, you've caught a golden unicorn vole. I've been trying unsuccessfuly to catch one these last fifty years. I was told by a Shamen, that they could only be caught in a snare made from the braided eyelashes of a Rumanian virgin. I never successfuly found any, though I searched for ten long years. Eventually I gave up my search and came back to Britain, yet it was only when I dropped the virgin prerequisite that I managed to make a snare of sorts. I set it in 1961 and have checked it twice a day since without any luck. Perseverence is a must! Then this morning after the hundred
  18. Errr ..... Thanks, but 'No Thanks', mate. I'll stick to the Golden Virginia! :sick: Good one Ditch
  19. You can order good fox snares from Game and Country enterprises, Selkirk. Hope this helps i hope that they are better than their rabbit snares Do fox snares tend to be more standard than rabbit snares Glenn, or are some of them poorly made as well?
  20. Very well written Ditch, brings a tear to the eye. ps don't post any pics of the scars. I bet you ended up sorely behind with your work that day.
  21. Did I suggest you contact Geordie, his stuff is top notch and decent price too. Pm him.
  22. I don't know all the spec for snare wire, but for someone starting off, you seem to be going about it the difficult way. Ok you don't want to buy snares, then buy a Countrymans weekly or other magazine. There are loads of adds for snare wire and eyelets, Arthur Carter, Ian Hodge loads . Get yourself 500gms of wire and some eyelets and see how you get on.
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