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About ianrob

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 20/07/1951

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  • Interests
    All kinds of rabbiting, snaring, longnetting, day and night, and a passionate ferreter. Fishing all kinds, and astronomy. I even enjoy reading and writing poetry. I like ratting, but no longer bother much. I don't have dogs now, I work away too much. I enjoy knitting nets, I even find it a theraputic way to relax and unwind.

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  1. na nothing at all ian apart from this snow a suppose,donna said to tell ya her aunty janet got payed off last week

  2. How's it gan Owen. Owt fresh?

  3. The system works fine Rob, I even had a snare broken by a fox, while using the wire pegs, yet it didn't pull. Sea fishing swivels are usually strong enough too. Rabbits pull from a very low angle and don't have a lot of leverage. I always used the fig four tealers, that's the only difference.
  4. stick with the wire fig.4s ,mate their easier to use, and your snares will last longer, i always use single wire tealers and ther are great but i was wondering how to do it just another raditional skill kind of thing, my query was how do you attach the wire to the cord? Hi mate, perhaps I should let Micky answer, however, there are possibly a few ways. A single sheet bend is good with the spare wire just wrapped round the cord. This allows replacement wires to be fitted fairly easily.
  5. ianrob


    Cheers peg, as Glenn will tell you, I must have led a sheltered life. I've never seen half of the stuff you guys use. I look forward to the pics, ian.
  6. ianrob

    Glenn Waters DVD

    You're a lucky bloke. People on here are so kind.
  7. Hi Rob, I've only knitted any large nets out of hemp. Apart from rotting if it's not looked after, it's nice stuff. A 500gm ball will give you about 23 or 24 yards of 4 1/2" ,12 mesh wide rabbit net. I was taught to use 5 1/4" mesh for hares at 16 mesh wide. JBS nets do 4 ply hemp twine for £8.50 a ball. You can make yourself a 50yd rabbit net with 100 yards in it for under £50. You can treat the net with fence paint too. That gloopy stuff . You can buy it cheap just now. Pick a good drying day, then dilute the fence paint with water. Dip the net, then hang up to dry. It stiffens it a bit, t
  8. ianrob


    Hi Peg, Have you a pic or diagram of this toggle style net. I would love to see it. ian.
  9. if you use marine plywood, as I recommend, you're unlikely to have any short term problems as that stuff is designed for use in and on water. Given a couple of coats of preservative as well and it should stand up to for a good few years. Worst case you can always pull the box out and slip in a replacement one. All the complex carpentry is in the top. edited to add: I hope that Steve will be keeping in touch so I should get some long term feedback on how they last in the ground. Very interesting post. Am I right in thinking marine ply is very expensive? Got a neighbour erecting rabbi
  10. Hi Peg, I have a 100 yard hemp net with 4 1/2" mesh and it's only got 140 yards of net in it which is the relationship between a mesh pulled tight and one open. It stops them dead, hardly a bounce off, but I got ridiculed on here for using it. Keep us posted. ian.
  11. Hi Folks, Anyone got a working stock Poley Jill kit left ? I've got two albinos and want some Poley blood in my stock, PM me, cheers ian.
  12. You possibly did it pushing the tealer in Mickey. Was the ground hard?.
  13. Hi mate, well spotted. Read the pinned articles at the top of the snaring page. The ones by Glen Waters are gold believe me as are the articles by Woodga. The same guy, Woodga will supply you with the snares if you PM him. Good snaring.
  14. Well done Ian, and I see that you are troubled by badgers too. They're becoming a real menace on the ground I do.
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