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Harry255 last won the day on January 14 2020

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79 Excellent

About Harry255

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Sounds like that would be very fortunate ?
  2. Evening guys I need to get my pups docked my normal vets has now decided they won’t do it and every vet near me has refused as well stating they don’t agree with it ?? so looks like il need to do it my self. I’ve got a nice sharp pair of bandage scissors and some iodine but don’t particularly wanna f**k them up so any advice would be appreciated. Or if any one knows of a vet that will do it for me in west Suffolk that would be helpful
  3. What would be the average wage of a whip with accommodation I know it’s not well paid as your in the job for the life style but just curious
  4. I’m riding I know what to wear but sold all my hunting attire a few years ago so have had to beg borrow and steal what ever I could hacking jacket plain white shirt stock and beige breeches was more as it’s a job interview and I will be meeting the masters as well but I just don’t have the funds to buy a dark coat vest ect ect
  5. ? I was planning on all those things just wanna get it right ??
  6. Evening every one I’m due for a job interview at a kennel and have been invited out for a days hunting. How ever I haven’t been hunting for a while due to work and as such have no hunting attire left. My question is do you think it would be acceptable to turn up to what is in effect a job interview in a rat catcher as I don’t really have the current funds to spend on a whole new set off hunting attire
  7. Evening guys what qualities and characteristics do you think constitute to the ideal sporting terrier
  8. This is my border Lakeland although she doesn’t look like the Black and Tans I’ve seen in the other posts
  9. I’m wandering if some one would be able to help me I’m desperate to get my bitch to ground and at present have no way of doing it I know it a big ask but I’m wandering if some one will be able to take me on and teach me I’d happily pay em back any way I can thanks in advance mom in west Suffolk
  10. Yea bud. 740 rats for 7 dogs dogs was a unbelievable day. Was with the Suffolk and Norfolk rat pack. We had couple of borders a big old fell type and a couple of Norfolk types
  11. I know the hunting act I also know that you have The game keepers exemption to the act. And I still keeper a small shoot. Just looking for advice about entering a dog
  12. I’ve had great crack with the bitch some real good days ratting
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