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Everything posted by Corky(amateur)

  1. I heat up a pair of tweasers and just grip the tick dead gentle. After about 3 seconds, pull getly and they comer out fully, then sqish the basta*d* as they ain't dead yet!
  2. Hi all, not posted on this before, usually post on the ferreters side but here goes. Recently i started making my own purse nets as i am not made of money and obviosly until next season, i've got plenty of time to make them. anyway, i am currently making a longnet!, hopefully about 25-35 yards, 17 meshes wide. it's about 25-30 meshes long and i'm starting to struggle as i cannot keep the net tight! any advice to solve this problem?! many thanks Corky
  3. Same ere. Not the problems with ferrets but getting places. i cycle everywhere i want to go. fishing and ferreting. 14 miles is my furthest so far. keeps me fit though!
  4. Evening all, just wondering what everyone else does when your jills come into season because this is my first season and have heard horror stories of jills P***ing themselves to death if you don't breed them with versectumised or "Whole" hob or get it jill jabbed. anything anyoone's heard will be appreciated. Best wishes Corky
  5. Great pics, nice lookiing dogs. I was determined to go out on sunday aswell, rained all day, with gailforce winds because i was on a quarry. but came away with a reasonable 8 for the weather!
  6. LOL(laughing out lod). i just recognised that name aswell. brilliant film that is!
  7. Interesting, have you got any pictures plz, sounds a good idea? Thanks Corky
  8. I take that back, don't! i underestimated the size of these "rats".
  9. I suppose it would depend on the temperment of these rats and difficulty to net up/course/shoot when bolted. if its safe for ferrets and you ah should think you could. kind regards corky
  10. Found an even better one. funniest ferret advert ever!!! Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua4Cq2gSvjU&NR=1
  11. Evening all, just managed to clinche a deal with my local butcher for the rabbits i get ferreting. as of today i get £1.25 per rabbit(gutted). so i don't have to fill up the freezer but ah can fill up ma wallet just wandering if anyone else has similar deals, if so with who and how much? Thanks all, just a little interested Corky
  12. How much you pay for this frontline stuff and can i get it from a normal petshop or is it only online?!
  13. went out yesterday to a permission at a quarry in barton yesterday. got there for about 8.15am and saw a good 20 rabbits about as we went up the drive. came to the first warren. a huge 40-50 holer and got netted up. we then put the ferrets into some holes near the fence close by in attempt to back net any that bolted. well 3 bolted and 1 was netted. so we put the ferret into the big one. there was alot of thumping and scuttling coming from below, and after about 5 mins, the first one hit the net. after much more action, we'd had ten from that warren and were about to put the ferrets away and m
  14. started mine atabout 2 months and have been 3 times now. had 1 on the first, 0 on second and 4 on the third with 6 that bolted from hidden holes on the third time. its natural instinct to them! only thing that still worries me is puttin wm down but they always cum back!
  15. bet ya wud. ave thought od doing it myself before.
  16. Funnily enough, have always thought about it myself, luring them out into the open and into the sights or a gun or dog.would be very interested to hear more also.
  17. Got any links or pictures for that. i need a decent spade. Thanks Corky
  18. Here's my best of only two outings ever. Pretty Bad. but hey...
  19. Damn right they will, you'll have dozens at uredoor mate!
  20. Hey peeps, this is a really easy way to picture it. i've recently done this at school so am reasonably clear on it. Hope it helps Corky Dominant_and_recesive.doc
  21. hi, read up on the long nets and looking into buying a quality one so don't really want to go to the shops. anyone make and sell them for a reasonable price. maybe about a 50 yarder. Thanks Kind regards Corky
  22. i know how you feel terrier stuff. i'm in year 11 at the mo and have a saterday job as a beater. paying for ferret food etc, surmounts to alot when you earn £15 a week. i have 2 jills and took 1 out recently for the first time. i don't have a colar so kept to a small tree root job. managed to bolt one within the first 30 secs. the place has been hit pretty badly with mixy so numbers are low but luck have it, this one didn't. was well chuffed with self and ferret. ""i cant afford a locator ! is poor. were not talking of £1000`s its £127"" What Bull!
  23. I wwas actually thinking of a chicken wire mesh to stop them digging out, or something along those lines. with a wooden lid and unnel.
  24. Are they home made or brought? and has anybody made one? if so, could you PM me some Blue prints please Kind Regards Corky
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