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Everything posted by fathom

  1. Hi everyone how has life been treating yous all? its been sometime from i've been on the fourm to cut along story short my laptop burnt out girl friend finished with me over the dogs and my way of life, had to find a new home dogs not settling in you know the usual day to day s**t that life throws at us. starting to get settled after all the madness and getting a bit of time to come back on the fourm using my brothers laptop. Any how on a brighter note i have a question for you's lads and lasses im currently using a HW77 left to me by father its nothing wrong with the gun i've taken many
  2. hi all it has been along time from i've been on the forum my laptop burnt out cant afford a new one at the minute hope everyone is keeping well rabbiteer i know how your feeling lad, was givin the same proposal not so long ago no chance i was givin up the dogs and ferrets. its not a nice position to be in. i was just gettin to a nice level with my dogs, training was paying off had a solid routine now its all up the left dogs gettin it hard settling in to there new home have been forced to leave my house in the country and move back into town. life can be a bitch but i still have my dogs and
  3. Thanks everyone for your replies, very much appreciated All the best Fathom
  4. im looking for a good supplier of purse nets longnets and ferreting eauipment in general, only nets i can get in my area is 4z nets which are'nt great, have been looking for a good supplier and bridpord nets seem to be the cheapest and have a good selection of stuff to offer, have read on this site that the brinded's are planks so will stay clear of them are should i?? how would you's lads and lasses rate bridport nets and is there any other good suppliers out there all you views count thanks everyone. hope everyone is doing well, all the best Yours in sport Fathom and before
  5. That rabbit at the top is the biggest rabbit i've ever seen look's like you had a good nites sport your dog looks well What Cross is your dog??
  6. Sorry to here about the loss of your dog hope you get him back mate
  7. Hi all new to the forum have put up a few posts in the lurcher section but have a question for you's longnetters and hope some of you's can help me out im interested in all aspects of fieldsports and have been taken one section at a time i grew up rough shooting with my father and shooting air rifles, but for the last three years i have dedicated all my time to lurchers and ferrets. I now want to move on to longnetting i want to use longnets along with the ferrets and hopefully move on to doing a few nite sets, im going to buy a 50yrd quick set system to get me started but thats all well and
  8. Its good to see young ferrets coming on well, it was a good catch considering the conditions, its hard to beat being out with a few ferrets first think in the morning. all the best frank
  9. Just Going by what i have read J Darcy, as i have no mentors and work alone i rely on books old and new for information most books i have read on lurchers claim that greyhounds were crossed with other dogs to diquise it from looking like a greyhound as the penelty for a peasant or a none noble man owning a greyhound was very high, and that it just so happens that by crossing the greyhound with the collie or droving dog of that time that they ended up with a smarter dog. Im only going by what i have read and maybe this is not the case who knows
  10. Thanks for your replies . I've read a bit about lord orford and the introduction of bull blood into greyhound to add a bit of fire in the bellies i also read that this is were modern greyhounds get there brindle markings. i understand that the collie cross from old would have been capable of taking a fox and like you say gaz when out mooching apon seeing one it might of chased it and killed it on its own accord, but when did foxing with lurchers become the vogue when did the move over come, from we better go out and catch the dinner are we'll go hungry till lets go out with the dog and
  11. Here's a question thats been playing on my mind for a while, if the lurcher was purpose bread to prevent it from looking like a Greyhound back in the day by poachers as only noble men could own Greyhounds, and was used to provide meat for the table or game to sell to the dealers when did it progress to being a fox dog ???? Look forward to your replies Yours in sport Fathom
  12. see what i mean about these wankers giving us a bad name i've came across prick'slike this round my end why dont they shoot tin cans are something the waste of spaceses what a bundle of :wankerzo4: . Hey irish lurcher any previous post of your dags lad would like to get a look at them????
  13. Irish lurcher when i was complaining about leaving quarry to rot i was refering to rabbit and hare, i know that foxes are left to show farmers that the deed has been done just incase you think i was calling you a wanker
  14. Your right ian when you say that they've been given permission to keep vermin down, none of us want to wipe out our quarry if we did there would be nothing there for next season but at the end of the day that's the only reason we are given permission not because the farmers want to see us enjoying our sport but to control the vermin on his/her land. the key is keeping a healthy balance do enough to keep the farmer happy and enough to ensure you still have quarry for next session respect for the farmer and respect for your quarry. with regards to leaving quarry to rot this is totally dista
  15. lucky enough lad the wee bitch has'nt sustained and injuries as of yet thank God but its just her style were as the big dog just lets them be and comes back to heel ready for the next slip, mind you i have to sort of watch were i slip her wont slip here any were near a ditch value her to much i've heard of dogs dying running into ditches would'nt forgive myself. what dog you running yourself??
  16. Thanks for your comments minion when the dogs are in top shaped they are pretty fast big dog could run forever wee dog lighting fast but would burn out quicker than the big dog they have'nt seen much hare but i say they could do the deed there'd be no 70 yard faw law mind you, both dogs are very smart and good at reading there quarry, hopefully they get a few run's on the long ears this season will let you know how they fair out its hard to beat a bit of collie in a lurcher, hows your whippet fairing out for you??
  17. Thanks Irish lurcher, Frank and cuagusgiorrai for your comments, dogs are doing really well im well chuffed with them there real natural's Tipps a really laid back dog settled in his job he knows what he's doing retrieves live to hand everytime, Peggy is a real wee demon on rabbits a total natural is not the word theres no hedge she wont fly through to catch a coney, the big dog pulls of headges when were out lamping which i dont mind he just straight back to heel then we try for another, but nine times out of ten the rabbit has'nt went to ground this i have learnt from working the wee dog she
  18. never realy thaught about it but it makes sense yes it does make sense and i can understand were hunter cammo is coming from i've had alot of replies to my post and im very grateful, i would'nt being using the treadmill to build up muscle just a temperary replacement for road work little the foot gets better, just want to use it to stop the dogs from getting to much out of shape. thanks all for the advice
  19. Thanks for the replies . Top forum this is, good to be among some like minded people. some top lads and lasses on this site
  20. many people have but you wouldnt be able to leave your dog alone on it were as on a dog mill you can because a dog nill has a bar to tie your dog to and if the dog slips the bar pulls and stops the mill so if your prepared to sit and watch you should be able to no bother them dog ones sound the dogs balls. might give the human one ago the dog could trot away beside me while i surf the huntinglife and start a few more rows ha ha. thanks for the sound advice deputydog yours in sport fathom
  21. could i use a human treadmill would this be safe?? dogs ones pretty expensive only intened to use it in emergencies dont really intend to use it when im up and about again
  22. THIS IS ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T! some of the best greyhound trainers in the country use treaddmills also some of the forley cup winners were part trained on mills.And what the f*ck is L AND R MUSCLES obviously you aint clued up on your dogs and you definatly no nothing about mills how long have you had dogs not long by the sounds of it for F*CKS SAKE L AND R MUSCLES. Dont give advise on something you know nothing about Tell me if i'm wrong but i think we're talking about hunting dogs (ie agility) not straight line plapping dogs.....Cheers Eggy didnt know the forley cup ws ran in a st
  23. THIS IS ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T! some of the best greyhound trainers in the country use treaddmills also some of the forley cup winners were part trained on mills.And what the f*ck is L AND R MUSCLES obviously you aint clued up on your dogs and you definatly no nothing about mills how long have you had dogs not long by the sounds of it for F*CKS SAKE L AND R MUSCLES. Dont give advise on something you know nothing about well if you boys know better explain why, after all Fathom is after advise on treadmills not a slanging match. i'm in no way clued up on treadmills, but i have person
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