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Tiny 7

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Everything posted by Tiny 7

  1. Tiny 7

    Best guard dog's

    here go's Spainis alone's neo's preasa turkey sheep dog (cant remember the other name) cane acoreso file brazilo AB bandog ''types'' old tyme bulldog's alfia blue blood aktia tosa shia pre (working type) maloin's and this is just to name a few Atb T 7 Sorry about the spelling
  2. Tiny 7

    Best guard dog's

    what about all the one's you have missed mate i cant spell for sh*t or i would spell them for you Atb T 7
  3. It would have to be a working deerhound... Or a working beddy... Just like what i have seen from them while iv been out. Atb T 7 (there just my kind of dog)
  4. Munty round my way Northampton A good few roe as well.. A few of the bigger stuff aswell but I ain't managed to get into them yet.. Atb T 7
  5. Hello and welcome to the hunting life mate... From Northant's myself mate where are you from in Northant's AtbT 7
  6. All i have now is a DDB A tank full of tropical fish and a couple of chickens I used to have some some real big reptile's, But then i had a coupe of child's so had to pass them on to a friend of mine.. I would have more but iam full.. Iv got what i can handy comfortably now and that's the way it will stay for the next few year's (for now anyway) Atb T 7
  7. Iam so sorry to here of your loss mate... T7....
  8. Tiny 7


    I do love the look of this dog..... As iv said in previvious post he is a dog and half... i only keep rabbiting dog's or else i would be up for a line... Atb T 7....
  9. Any pic's mate..? Thank's T 7 (where are you mate?)
  10. Well it has to be munty for me as it's the only Deer iv had.... (so far),,Heard alot about sika being aggressive toward's the dog's so it would be nice to see Pre-ban As munty putting up a fight well.... A little place near were i live they are easy to take than it is to take rabbit.. More or less every bramble hold's them and even the buck's dont put that much of a fight up with a good neck hold... But saying that Hunt4life on here nearly lost a Good deer dog pre-ban on a munty buck one night we was out ( But ill let him tell that story ) ... Atb T 7 (Ill get some pic's up of a munt
  11. There is an out-break in Northampton as well... I have just lost my little Pup at the beginning of the week So anyone in that area keep an eye out... Atb T 7
  12. Tiny 7

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday mate.... Atb T 7
  13. I have got a car now stork... nothing special just something for the kid's and the dog's.. Ain't on the road ''YET'' But nearly tell chris it wont be long now?????????.............. Where has he moved to PM if you want ???
  14. I must admit he is paschal to the odd cat stork.. Just ask down far-cotton.. Sorry to hear about your sisters cat... but i bet it didnt feel a thing.... Atb T 7
  15. I know mate had the belly sister to him... Ask Hunt4life what she was like She was an out an out killer mate on everything apart from fox (before the ban).... Great Bitch they is a photo of her in his profile the one wih hare's... Atb mate keep's us poste on his progess.... T 7
  16. His sire is a powerfull dog mate for what he is... Everyone say the sire has bull in him cause the he is built.. But he is only a salxgrey X colliexgreyxwhip..... But he is a good dog mate dont think you will go far wrong mate..... Atb T 7
  17. He is growng well mate... Here he is at 8 weeks mate...
  18. Well mate i think it's a little cracker mate... And for the £ 50 i think its a steal plus it will keep the W***ker's away how are just after ''free'' dog's.... Atb T 7
  19. It sound's to me like you want to re-home him to someone... With he's a great worker and that... Van goff (spelling) was a great Painter but still a psycho... I think You know what you have to do Atb T 7...
  20. I think it your decision as where only going on what your saying then... And then what we would do... But everyone is different so the answer will never be the same... Your the one that's living in the situation could You go on living this way for much longer??? Be honest with yourself and then do what You think is right.... Atb in what ever you decide T 7
  21. I agree with this it was the other dog that tore through everything to get to the dog and if it never defended itself then that one would of been dead by the sound of it.... imoa... Atb T 7 Edited to say I know someone from Thurnscoe (Yorkshire).. that happened to him with his two terrier's one of them eat through the wall to get to the other one and a it just got its head through the other one was just sitting there wait and killed it as it put its head through... So it doe's happen mate... Sorry to hear that... T 7
  22. Happy Birthday Day mate....Atb T 7
  23. From the one's that i have seen run (on dvd) which aint alot but Captain seemed to be at the top of the list for me. And his style of running.... Atb T 7 (Well done to mark B and his bitch on the fen's what a result)
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