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Tiny 7

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Everything posted by Tiny 7

  1. Happy birthday Tracey, Many happy returns T 7
  2. You could of put that BEFORE someone brought it.... Might of helped more,
  3. It needs a price or it will get deleted mate, My offer is £30 quid for it lol
  4. This dog has been through 4 diffrent hands in in the last few months, Whats wrong with this Bitch, She seems near enough to me
  5. Build a fence in front of your kennel so your kid(s) dont come in to contact with it, Or PTS as its your problem as the owner that its not safe around kids to the extent that your scared of your own child walking up to the pen, A dog that is that much of a worrie to a child should never be rehomed to anyone even if there willing to take it on with such a aggressive nature towards children, Just think of the unlucky child that happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, Be responable and dont let a dog like this be pass on,,,, Atb T 7
  6. Nice hutch mate, Good job, And i think Yes too all your questions Atb T 7
  7. Ya i seen a load up Flore (up past althorpe land), When i took the dogs for stroll a few weeks back.....
  8. Still sorry to hear about him, He looked a wee cracker mate,
  9. Tiny 7


    It i a nice cage mate, Nice finch aswel
  10. Gunner, Rebel, Lizzie, And the house dog is called talullah,
  11. You would have to catch it first to see if it was a Buck, Then judge Most Animals are putting fat on now after a hard winter with the obundandce of food availble at this time of year,
  12. What do you think of hare's this time of year: That its there breeding time, With either young in the feilds or in there belly, Should be left alone really,IMHO
  13. Hello and welcome to the hunting life mate, I love a bit of beddy, My mates got a first cross stands around 22 tts Hes got pleanty fire,and determation, and a good around dog, before and after the ban, Atb With your bitch keep us posted on her progress, T 7
  14. What am i listening now,, Alittle voice in my head say why did i click in to this lol
  15. Nice catch rate for her age, Atb with her. T 7
  16. Alright all, Just wondering if anyone has got a good meat supplier(butcher type) around Northampton(shire).. The one i was getting mine from has stoped now for some reason'' i think he has gone bust'' Iv had mine on beta Greyhound for the last 2 months and there condition has going down hill quite abit and i want them back on fully raw again,, I poped in to a good few now but they all say na nothing goe's to waste or they send back what they dont sell for commission? So if anyone around thes ways has a good contact and have to much to use there self's maybe we can make an arrangement.. (
  17. Hello and welcome to the hunting life mate, Atb T 7
  18. Iam 21 and still aint got any,, Hopefully get some sorted soon....
  19. I like it where i am now Northamptonshire,(But it is all i know i'v never been out of the U.K) Do like the sound of Australia, But i hate the ''heat'' SO Iam happy where i am....
  20. She looks a stunner mate, Dont think you could go far wrong with any the litter, Atb With her T 7 lets us know how she is getting on...
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