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Tiny 7

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Everything posted by Tiny 7

  1. What colour is ''Bew''? T 7 (pic's would be nice)
  2. Sorry to hear of this Skycat, And i hope you get better very soon, And the dogs are crackers i just hope you find a home that can offer what you have giving them, and moonshine is an absolut stunner, Atb T 7
  3. What a lovely Pic with the 2 jill's and there kit's, Look so content with each other, Atb With your new addition's to your team, T 7
  4. Tiny 7

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday fella have a good un, Atb T 7
  5. LDR do it as who ever gets there money in first gets a place,
  6. That bitch is a....... A Dog Bruce almight.....
  7. I like the look of.. Tomo's bitch, CP dog Delta, Sock's black bitch, I like the look of some of the coursing lads dog's aswel and alot of the bullxs but as iam a rabbiting man any of them 3 i would give kennel space.. Plus theres to many to name..
  8. So how many people do you have LDR thats paid in full to date?
  9. So what would be the colour of the kit's if you bred two sandys then, Would you get a mixture of both dark's and lights? T 7
  10. Cheers tiny, you'll have to come round and take some. All cleaned and ready. Over 110 rabbits, shooting them in 3's 4's., had 3 bottles on the go. 15 myxie, 40 bucks, mostly females. 110 that aint half a bad tally for a couple of hours mate, Where about are you? Up your mate way A428, by the BMW garage. Iam alright for rabbits mate but thanks for the offer,Didnt realise you where that close mate we will have to get out for a night on the lamp when the seasn starts? T 7
  11. Cheers tiny, you'll have to come round and take some. All cleaned and ready. Over 110 rabbits, shooting them in 3's 4's., had 3 bottles on the go. 15 myxie, 40 bucks, mostly females. 110 that aint half a bad tally for a couple of hours mate, Where about are you?
  12. Looks a good few hour's you had there Artic, Not bad shooting what was the final tally then?
  13. more S.H.I.T.E. a hare is faster then a dog dats fact!!!!! my dog catchs them in arund 2mins and other times maby 4 or that its all about the ground you hunting and how much the hare is willing to get away..... but most of the time is the turning of the dog that does it.......... wrong.the dog is faster hence the grey being called the second fastest land animal after the cheetah. also how the dogs catch up with the hare after fair law has been given.its close but the dog is faster. scotty Thats wrong aswel mate, Greyhound aint the second fastes land animal, T 7
  14. He is turning in too an absolute beauty mate........ Atb with him for the future T 7
  15. Iv seen runs on Dvd's that last 4 5 and 6 min, But in all honesty everyone I have ran day/night most if not all are killed or away within the minute, I will have to get on some big land this season to see if mine jacks after a min or two.. Cant wait.... Atb T 7
  16. Hello and welcome to THL fella,, Atb T 7
  17. Happy Birthday Lass, Many happy return's T 7
  18. Because she shot her 2 8 month old pups out of Bob and her collie x :realmad: Wasn't long before someone started................. Thats proberly why you aint got your 32 yet, I thought this was going to smooth,,, LDR fair play to you to do it again this year
  19. Tiny 7


    Staff x lab mix......
  20. Is that the dog your runnging undisputed? Any pic of everybody eles dog thats in the comp T 7
  21. Here is mine at 7/8 months... (21/22months) Very nice dog great around all my kids 3 under the age of 5, Great with stock, people anything really.. But i must say she is a good guard dog no one will get in the yard/house with her there,, But i must say i do agree with all the comments thats been said, Lovely bitch tho and i love her so..............................
  22. How many people have you got now LDR?
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