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Tiny 7

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Tiny 7 last won the day on August 13 2011

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1,694 Excellent

About Tiny 7

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Best wishes too the family big man..... Sorry to hear!
  2. No the one I called piglet ,, is edrd mates dog,,,big white dog ,,,he was first born big fat fooker Think this is him Thinking about think it was him big pup, looked a smart pup with that look about it for a pup
  3. Lovely... I liked the pigglet dog pup (If thats right...?) big red pup ? Sound like most have/done provided themself all over. Never mind your 90 sec bitch lol she's put enough to bed to worth feeding......... (Just to say think visa comes through in that top dog )
  4. Seen then used as candle burners in customer's garden's. Like FM said think its ornamental uses
  5. Hunted with mutts since I was 7/8 any corner thing along it chased/bused. Couple of dogs later I was 17 meet a fellah ferreting then lurchers running dog types came in to it. That was me life wouldn't be worth living without a lurcher in the yard
  6. Yeah video good nice action. But keep it at that no shit talk,no weed no bullshit. Straight lamping edit well and put only good focus runs good and bad.
  7. Iam the same loved the deer and dog one, But saying that i love Roe lol The lamping one sounds just as good, Ill make sure mine is ordered
  8. Try adding carbs and feed twice a day. Tends to rounding the off abit, plus feed by eye looking ribby up the food looking to heavy just drop slightly. And if you can get him on meat. Even if its just some off his meals plus eggs, tinned fish ect
  9. Very nice type and for a first x nice racey, Looks like you could have a bit of fun with her
  10. Well about 10 maybe more now, a fellah I know took his lurcher there. Dog smashed his leg snapped real bad swinging. He had no choice they fixed the dog no problem well over 2000. Done a great job on that old dog. Never worked again in any real sence but the fellah kept his pal and done right by him and without them he'd of had no choice but PTS. Prey to good iam never in that situation. But if I was I wouldn't think twice cause I know one thing there better than leaving a dog in pain
  11. Get to the fcking vet. Fck price! Fix my dog and we'll talk money afterwards, Must be a payment plan or whatever (Who cares).I be straight at the vet Rew no two ways about.Plus now youve put pics on here if you dont you'll end up with a knock at the door more that likely
  12. I'll second these 8 quid of ebay. That and a steel shaving sharp
  13. Because its about coursing dogs, it comes with the territory mate..my advice is don't get one..haha Think my next will be a sharp fast Sal type.... But iam going to call it a Hancock
  14. What a cracking way to spend a few days.... Looked lovely
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