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Bill bulldog

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About Bill bulldog

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Bull breeds terriers

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  1. Thankyou everyone I'll check out these legion blood that Scotmans blood that was added was good stuff I had a dog with some cur stopper blood all going back to skipper I thought there was being some new blood added by the plummer club of g Britain I've not even owned a plummer yet but I'm getting addicted lol
  2. How long ago was this new out cross was it bull or russell added did it do improvements on weak snipey heads is there any pics of the out cross ones what are they working like now sorry for all the questions just trying to get as much info before I buy a pup
  3. You keep them busy Keith there A credit to you mate
  4. It's good to see people out doing stuff with there plummers better than rotting away in a kennel or bored to bits stuck in doors all the time
  5. That vandal looks a right little game dog
  6. I've read a few old posts of his he was really into them perhaps something has happend b3cause he seemed if he wouldn't just give up in them
  7. Do you mean jacked them like give up on them
  8. Yep true mate when I get one I'll keep him or her busy
  9. It' sound like your got a good bitch there mate I've been on Facebook looking at all the plummer people it's like a maze I'm sorting out the wheat from the chaff I'm not saying I'm anything special just want a good working all rounder line with good bone and substance to the line
  10. That's good katchum I'd be happy with a bitch like your sons got you never know you might want another one you and son can take a pair of plummers out have some mooching fun I'm still studying all the different lines out there and who's honest and decent in the plummer world
  11. That's a nice plummer I've been told to get a plummer with a lot of vandal in it I looked on Facebook there's a lot of different clubs and pages to look at and I've seen some very good strong out cross ones I'm still looking at all the different breeders on there as I said I've had jacks and my staffords I've had in the past was from the Bennie line and I've had some of the American stuff in the past the only kc dog I owned was a Rottweiler from German import parents he was a fantastic dog I've always wanted a plummer he will be used for the occasional legal dig ratting mooching and g
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