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Everything posted by Setenta

  1. 100%! Unfortunately, there are people who love the attention and crave a few pats on their back from their pals and post everything they do with their dogs. Which the anti’s absolutely love!
  2. The problem you have is that you have clowns accusing you of being an anti when you raise valid points and of not working your dogs when you don’t plaster your whole life on social media!
  3. The problem isn't Facebook, it's people's ego's. People love to boast and share what they do all over social media for a few likes from their "pals". Absolute clowns!
  4. Smart pup. A well known Glen breeder in the 60's/70's used to outcross his tightly bred line of Glens to working Wheatens.
  5. One of my fells was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was about 5 years old which caused him to have fits on a regular basis. Both parents were healthy and so was the rest of the litter but he never made it past 6. You need to do what's best for the dog!
  6. My lad knows the fella who runs that website and he has never said a bad word about him. I also spoke to him a few times as he was interested in some of the dogs I kept in the 80’s and he was always very pleasant and eager to learn. Which is more that can be said for most on here!
  7. He has always come across as a nice chap any time I've spoke to him but everyone on here seem's to have a negative opinion of everyone and their dog!
  8. Everyone is tough until they are punched in the face or in mcgregors case until he is put to sleep or breaks his leg!
  9. He's a bloke like any other bloke! There is always someone more tougher somewhere.
  10. McGregor is an embarrassment, he deserves everything he gets!!!
  11. Theres only a handful of men that I would buy a staff from this day and age as most are like walking barrels!
  12. 100% and the reason why so many are such a liability!
  13. Came across this one with some good dublin red staffs
  14. A friend of mine had a pair years back. No world beaters but they did what he asked and he was happy with them.
  15. Great little dogs, seen them work in Ireland and in mainland Europe. They have never disappointed
  16. Get them out ASAP... then it’s all about time, patience and consistency over and over again.
  17. You seem to have plenty to say in every thread on here, I’m guessing your the type that talks a really good talk on the net and then ponces around the show ring chasing rosettes
  18. Also the fact that some are comparing a living animal to a car speaks volumes about them and their mentality towards their dogs and the dogs they breed. I wouldn’t hesitate in selling any of my cars to anybody but I would definitely think several times over before gifting or selling anyone a dog.
  19. I’ve not been on the forum long but always seems to be the same type of comments from the same people. Wether the pup was sold or gifted it’s common courtesy & respect to keep the breeder posted with its development, standard of work as it gets older or if there is any kind of issues and it has to be re homed. Especially when it was agreed before the pup was sold!
  20. A lot of silly comments from people who probably have never even seen a glen! Apart from hearing of the odd 1 here and there they are now in the main a show breed
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