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Everything posted by SussexMike

  1. I tend to agree with you, my experience would mirror yours, but it's good to bounce this off you, it confirms my beliefs.
  2. Thanks Shaaark, My old dog was a Wendell bred bitch, Wendell was Taffy's full brother I think? Only 1/8 Beardie but drove me around the bend. So This time I just want to try a Border collie cross, for me the point of adding Collie is to have a dog that is eager to please and biddable. I Know people swear by Beardies and I'm not knocking them, but it's not an experience I personally would wish to repeat.
  3. I am looking for a 1st cross Border Collie x Greyhound, is anyone currently breeding this cross? I had a 3/4 cross Hancock bred bitch In the early nineties, the bitch was stunning to look at and very fast, but I found her very distant, and awkward to train. At the time I questioned whether it was me, but having subsequently owned another locally bred collie bred lurcher that was dead easy to live with and train. I can honestly say that my Hancock bitch had a difficult temperament. Recently I have reflected why is it that some people have had bad experiences with Hancock dogs, whereas
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