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About Darriel

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  1. Darriel


    you no at least im out for christmas
  2. Darriel


    thanks for all your coments theres probably many air rifles tucked away in cupboards what are over power i was new to air gunning and this has put me of for life i do now understand grains and velocity thanks to pyramid air i am also shocked to see on youtube how easy it is to make your air rifle more powerful maybe they shoulds all require a license .i dont have anyone to blame but myself even the gun shop who filled and tested didnt tell me it was overpower should he some say he can confiscate being a firearms dealer wish he had anyway happy christmas everyone at least im not in prison and
  3. Darriel


    Yes the gun was overpowered 24 lb according to police they said they used 3 types of pellet they didn't state what grain they were
  4. Darriel


    In February this year I decided to look for an air rifle and stumbled across an auction site called catawiki I signed up and bid for an air rifle a hatsan att 44 -10 its discription said Dutch version and English version 970 fps it didn't state what grain pellet but I at the time I didn't know. What difference that could make anyway I won the bid at £400 plus delivery from Belgium £35 it arrived some time later by regular courier I took it to local gunsmith who filled it I took it home and fired a few pellets put it away in a cupboard 4 days later I was involved in an altercation with my partn
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