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Everything posted by Tyla

  1. My main bitch has been done and it had no adverse affect on her and I've had a terrier done to try and stop him fighting, he never stopped fighting or hunting but he would carry more weight than before
  2. I've had a couple of trips to NZ which have been amazing. I've also done a full safari in Botswana which was incredible. Did a road trip through the states and sailed a tall ship around the canaries too. I've been lucky with my travelling and got to go a lot of places. There is just so much to see in this world! I'd like to go to South America, Chile or Argentina ideally, and hunt there, also the west coast of America also spend more time in Ireland and go to scotland. Definately scotland, never been there.
  3. I've sent them on messenger mate
  4. Funnily enough a load of pics just came up on my phone of when I came over. Some of Sonic and of your old kelpiex. I tried you pm you but your inbox is full. Let me know if you'd like me to send them you
  5. Bloody brilliant Liam! I've missed the goat threads!
  6. I'm a big fan of whippet x terriers and think they will make handy dogs. I'd still wait til she's got a few seasons under her belt though. Looks like a cracking day you had Sunday, well done.
  7. Why don't you let the poor bloke use the quad sticks if he is comfortable with them?
  8. The rise of the buzzards and badgers has certainly coincided with the demise of the rabbit around me. When I was a kid there were rabbits everywhere but birds of prey were a rarity and badgers the same. The tables have turned now!
  9. No one has mentioned Badgers. In my opinion they are responsible to some extent, s long with disease for the decline. It's not so much that they predate on the adult rabbits but, now there are so many of them, they dig up virtually every nest burrow and kill the kits. I think this causes the adults to try and move on to somewhere safer to breed and this exposes them to more danger from roads, disease, predation etc. It also basically clears whole areas of land of rabbits forever as the badgers just eat something else and continue to thrive. Sad state if affairs
  10. I think you have a skill that rapidly becoming extinct. I used to shoot off hand all the time but now can't remember the last time I did. It makes me want to have am offhand plinking session and see how I do
  11. I'm surprised by that. I stalk.on foot the majority of the time and have shot a lot of deer off them. I find that bit of extra movement invaluable
  12. You do if its a long traverse but there is a saddle rather than a fork at the front which means you can traverse to a point without moving the feet. It makes a huge difference
  13. I use seeland quad sticks. I used the homemade green cane ones for years but tried a mates seeland and was an immediate convert. The green ones are steady as anything but to traverse you have to move the whole thing, the fact you can traverse on top of the seelands was a game changer for me
  14. Cheers mate. I'll give them a ring today
  15. Have the pup in the house til it's toilet trained and then walk it morning and night. Shouldn't need to shit in the box or the run
  16. You might be surprised. It's all public land so people aren't as tight with it as they are here especially as you aren't likely to be going back regularly. I offered to swap hunts with people and have taken lots of kiwis hunting over here and been taken out over there by lots of people over two trips. The guy who took BH out is a buddy of mine who I met on their forum
  17. I highly recommend going on the nz hunting and fishing forum before you go to load up on local knowledge. I got do many invites I could do them all in the time I had and made some life long friends out their. Good luck with your trip
  18. Don't do it! I've known several lads get locked out by trying to update. I've been running on the original software since 2014 and still works fine. If it ain't broken .......
  19. It's a FN16 (!) in .20, it was made for me a long time ago. It started as a .22 FN19 but the barrel and cylinder were cut down a bit. I do have a FN19, again in .20, but it's leaking from the front end of the cylinder. If anyone knows where I could very a replacement seal I would be pleased to get it up and running again
  20. I had another go today. Shot 6 but lost one in the brambles
  21. My airgun barely ever gets the use it deserves but got a call to thin out the squirrels around the estate wedding venue. There were wedding viewings in progress and the gym at the other end of the building was busy so shotgun was out of the question so it was down to the neglected airgun. Did ok with it, ended up with 10 but only took a pic of the first 3. The thermal was invaluable for spotting too!
  22. Another x that appeals to me is one of the labxgwp dogs they use on the moors to a greyhound
  23. I have never heard anything bad about the cross and heard lots of people say they've known good ones but I've never known anyone to have one either. On paper they should tick all the boxes for me, let's hope reality pans out that way. Fingers crossed!
  24. What about the bitch? Straight greyhound or a coursing dog?
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