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Everything posted by Tyla

  1. Its horses for courses in my opinion, my jrtxwhip could do most things a lurcher could and could get into most cover if the quarry was there. He wasn't a bushing dog by any means but complimented a bushing team. He was only 21 tts and didn't draw attention like a bigger running dog. He is 13 now and will still try but I try and let him have a peaceful retirement as its not fair on him getting injured at the age he is. Hes sired the pup you've seen of Jai's, if they turn out well I would like to attempt to recreate him by putting a whippet dog over one of the bitch pups.
  2. I have a pair of expensive vortex ones which are very good but I think the barr and stroud ones are the best value for money. For less than £100 you can get a pair of 8x32 which are only a little bit worse than my vortex which were several times the price
  3. Your pups sire is what you are looking for. Just a shame we can't turn back the clock eh? Why not put a grew across Pixie in a year or two? If you don't i might use Meg. Or persuade Jack to put his Pat over a non ped, could end up with Parker #2?
  4. I see the grants as a loan, we are all going to be paying it back so its madness not to take it. I've lost a fair bit of work due to covid, not as much as some but more than others. Plenty of people been sat about for 6 months on 80% of their wages without any expenses to pay, I'd be happy to take that deal if it had been offered.
  5. How viable is catch and release on that kind of animal? I've caught the odd one overseas and by the time they are brought in its more a mercy killing than anything, they are done for. I struggle to see how they would recover from that. I might be wrong, im no expert
  6. Bitches are my preference but seen good dogs in both sexes. Seasons are a pain in the arse but unless they are genuinely world beaters im happy to have them spayed. I do regret that with a bitch I have now, came good really late after I'd spayed her and I wish I'd had a litter from her
  7. Csuliflower and broccoli. They soak up flavours amazingly well
  8. Yeah thats it. Doesn't seem long ago I was wondering what they'd turn out like and now they are nearly done. One of them in particular I never thought would make old bones and yet he is still here. I've brought on bushers since but its not the same as a lurcher.
  9. My youngest lurcher is 10 now, she can still put a shift in lamping but feels it the next day. I think this season will be her last at that game. She is mainly a stalking dog now and can keep that up into her dotage. I have 2 more even more geriatric but who are still hanging on but have earned their spot and will be staying til its unfair to keep them any longer. Next year will be a wierd season without a running dog. Even if one of the oldies makes space a pup i want won't be quick to find and not likely ready to start by then. I have young bushing dogs to keep me busy but that won't do me a
  10. Tyla

    The two we kept

    The two we kept are similar size, as are the other bitches, but the dog pups are enormous! Both ours are coming on well, mine gets more chances work wise as Amy's is usually out with her on the horse where bushing is not encouraged! It's mad keen though and catches bits and pieces anyway. Mines been in a few sticky situations thanks to her mother but has handled it well and not been put off. I'd like to get them amongst a few rats soon. I thought they'd find some around the yard but their mum is so fast they don't get a look in lol. Jai's one seems like shes coming on well too. I wil
  11. Round here on a big hunt day they have near as many antis as followers along with a multi vehicle police team to keep the peace and make sure all is within the law. They are far too busy to worry about lurchers or terriers lol. Makes it an excellent day to take the dogs out elsewhere though.
  12. How often do you get sabbed out hunting? I'd rather be us than them, much harder to hide a pack of hounds and a mounted field than a lurcher or terrier out for a mooch
  13. Ply the top of chassis, joist it with 25x50 on edge and infill with 50mm celotex then 11mm osb on top. Floor boards, laminate or whatever on top of that. Glue it all together and you end up with a very basic SIP
  14. We shot a couple this evening. Both were smelling very rutty
  15. When I was doing a lot of them I'd make them either 4.6x2.2 or 3.6x2.2. That allows you to get a king-size mattress width wise. The smaller one usually had a 1m veranda do the chassis frames were the same. I had the wheels fabricated as the cast ones cost a fortune. I also welded up the chassis in box section and fitted one fixed and one turning axle. Never used or needed sheet metal floor though
  16. I wouldnt say you were showing yourself to be any genius either mate. I cant be bothered to type you another long reply, you aren't interested in anything I've said anyway. Enjoy your evening, its not as if either of our opinions are going to change the world anyway
  17. Right. One last time I will explain my opinions to you. I am in favour of rewilded, or to be less controversial, wilderness areas. Most of the planet is taken up by people but in some places the habitat has not irreversibly changed so much that having a wilderness comparible with what used to be there is possible. (This is the bit you have been struggling with, the difference between the UK and the Pyrenees) In places where that is the case, I believe the Pyrenees to be one of them, I think it would be good for the world in general to keep or encourage the species that made up the ec
  18. You really are coming across as an arrogant old so and so. I've explained myself pretty clearly and been pleasant to you throughout but you either can't or won't accept anything that isn't in line with your very narrow view of the world. You have no idea what I do or do not know. Your mind was made up before you started this thread and you just wanted a round of applause for your opinion. If i'd realised that to start with I wouldn't have wasted my time discussing it with you.
  19. I still don't think you've really grasped what I'm saying but I am glad you are so delighted lol.
  20. Just to clarify a little bit, rewilding and reintroducing species are two different things. They can be compatible but they are not the same thing. Rewilding is more about habitat creation to mimic the habitats that existed prior to development of land. The idea being to benefit all species of fauna and flora and to allow the soil itself to recover. This can lead to successful reintroduction but there are plenty of species already present but in dire trouble who will benefit from it first. A whole host of things have to be lined up right for reintroduction to work. Perhaps this is wh
  21. Give up mate. If you can't see a difference between the uk and the Pyrenees I cant help you
  22. https://whyy.org/segments/the-netherlands-grand-rewilding-experiment-gone-haywire/ It sounds like too much ego and not enough common sense. What a shame
  23. I have given my reasons twice and am not going to repeatedly try and explain to you the difference between the Pyrenees and the uk. You have you opinion and I have mine. We are both adults so let's not try and make it personal.
  24. Thats the one. My spelling was way off lol. No, the red deer population certainly did not work out, looking at it I cant imagine how they thought it would? Do you know the current status of it?
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