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Everything posted by Chaseorbechased

  1. Diana abbott but on the other hand trevor McDonald
  2. A spent 1 new years eve sober with the little 1 been pissed every 1 since
  3. A think back then the could only find you by ligth or shot a good thermal will pick you up before you know you been seen
  4. 1 local farmer payed the local door man gorilla to keep lads off his land at 1 point
  5. Curry chips nd gravy the lists endless
  6. Could be what the country needs a bit fresh blood
  7. Am watching bits of the debate tonight it's like Jeremy kyle for toffs
  8. He should get the same treatment instead off a roof over his head nd 3 meals a day at the taxes payers expense. He will die in jail so why keep him alive in all honesty
  9. Be interesting to see what you would find with a metal detector
  10. Act like wild animals get shot like wild animals. That's all the are .but let's put them in a street near you .what a government
  11. A ment my permission dam phone A ment my permission dam phone
  12. Hope you have a safe trip. Am happy a live in a little shit pit village away from the crowds nd brigth lights
  13. Think the will be a few more in the run up to Christmas. Hope not tho
  14. Mine wasn't a 1st cross but he was a twat for hedgehogs
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