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Everything posted by Cheesemastergeneral

  1. I’d agree with that, keeping busy and being active and stimulating your self rather than just mopeing around on your own which would be just as dangerous as alcohol and drugs in my opinion.
  2. There is a good program that’s just recently been on called “road to redemption” about Tyson fury’s mental health struggles. Now there’s a man that had it all, a millionaire, kids, world championship belts everything a man could desire yet he still wished he was dead. If it can happen to him it could happen to any one.
  3. Fury beats wilder and Joshua for me hands down ?
  4. Cheers greyman a got that natural fork made for me only cost £20, absolute bargain.
  5. Here is my collection, My favourite is the little metal one in the middle that’s the one I’m most accurate with.
  6. Sadly a didn’t arry wish a did now, do they tend to grow back in the same places as before.
  7. Thanks for that arry, a went back a week later after that photo was taken and it had trebled in size and lost its orangey colour, I didn’t know what it was at the time so I left it alone. Thanks for the info lads if a see another one I’ll be sure to chop it and take it home.
  8. Cheers flattop looks like it was a edible one as well shame that I took the photo a month or two back.
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