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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. This is on a long chain wilf he's a tyre biter but does somersaults when he sees anyone he's a biter for sure the others let him know someone is around
  2. That's the thing especially pet owners not taking responsibility I owned a decent terrier monty a bit hyper at times but generally well behaved but he went for my grand daughter he was pts inside a hour why folk take risks and especially with kids is beyond me
  3. There's 2 brothers near me that were breeding the arse out of there bitches I think they have 3 or 4 each and a stud dog during lock down they couldn't breed quick enough knowing them 2 there will have been zero consideration given to the bitches or who got one .there under investigation with the tax man and council over not having a license now they bred that many
  4. One of the farms I go on moved his border collie up the yard to near the entrance of his yard because of walkers thinking they could walk were they want especially during lock down he had a few run ins .
  5. You can but the Mrs thinks more of that pup than me .perfect example yesterday sat in garden so I goes inside to we're my fan is normally placed I bought a decen fan of Amazon .in its place is a £3.50 b.m special with a blade I could spin faster with my finger .I found mine next to the pups bed
  6. I'm sure she's got a all her evidence tucked away safely till the times right .I'm surprised she hasn't tried for a deal yet to get a reduction in her sentence but who knows tomo she knows to much I guess .so I would think it's crossed her mind many times but we will know better if socks mentioning her
  7. I like to see a clean environment with confident bold chucky pups I also want or do know how the parents work and as just importantly there temperament when these boxes are ticked its a lottery I guess
  8. Ours have a paddling pool just a cheap solid plastic thing .and the Mrs hoses down the flags that are in the shade with a damp cool towel put down .but they still go to the sunny spots then crash in the paddling pool when to hot and then repeat only the pup has the sense to go on the towel
  9. I have a job to do for a lad who has 2 Caucasian shepherds there proper man wrecking things and are some size to .he said there good family dogs .loyal and good with kids
  10. I bet Maxwell as a lot more than one picture and not just of Andrew either .I bet she could put some real big household names in the shit
  11. Shite news that dy but as dc said enjoy her time left fingers crossed you both get the summer together
  12. I totally agree about starting them young getting them round hedges ditches ect but I have seen a good few dogs full of there selves walk when things come on top give me a quiet dog who just wants work without drama you know the sort mc there the ones you need
  13. Mc that's why so many slop plodders Jack on old puss never mind gear that gives it back?that's even if they will run that gear a decent handler knows when there ready and brings them on slowly like you with your summer hunting and as you know all dogs muture mentally and physically at different ages
  14. Best bit of advice on this thread ?
  15. I can't believe we're trying blame and jail are own when there in a war with rag heads who would gladly send there own young kids or wife's out to blow themselves up .do isis or the Taliban hold investigations do they feck play with fire at some point you get burned
  16. So terrorist don't kill unarmed civilians and have always a byed by human right laws .feck em fight fire with fire they don't play with a rule book why should we
  17. Hull as greb hacked you because your sounding like him attention seeking on subjects you no nothing about but trying to be relevant it's embarrassing stick to what you know ?
  18. Mrs puts hose pipe on the flags were it's shady for the dogs all during the day it's somewhere cool for them to lay but there's also a paddling pool they can go in .mine are out first light and then when it starts going dark just a light walk to empty themselves can't believe how many dogs I see out during the day in this heat
  19. Ain't that the truth great post bosun
  20. I have a lab pup 11 weeks shes by far the sharpest pup I have ever owned back in the day I may have been to hard on my dogs but never cruel .but looking back it wasn't them at fault it was me expecting to much maybe at times to soon but not knowing or realising my faults that was my fault .I learnt the ways I learnt by the old school didn't always favour a dog or myself but it did take a while and age to realise it
  21. From what I have been told the top gun dog lads are cruel cnuts a well known lad with multiple field trial champions and winners in his line being one of the worst
  22. A farm I use to buy eggs and spuds from had one little cnut lived in a out building always nipped back of my leg then did one but the farmer reckoned it was his best ratter nasty little b*****d
  23. Then there not house trained 11 week old pup here after her first day 3 weeks ago as never done anything in the house cries to go out .all mine could live in or out and that's always been the case been part and parcel of the family but taken out early doors and last thing at night unless working I don't get a issue
  24. Nice healthy looking pup bangers a credit to you ? I hope to see how she gets on in the field best of luck to you both
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