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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. I am quietly confident that if socks used a stud dog he will know it's strengths and weaknesses Sammy how much someone puts a value on there litter or who they go to is up to the breeder but those that can afford it at the time aren't always the best him homes work wise to go to I know lads skint but graft there dogs hard and are treated like family
  2. Probably the breeding and performances behind it maybe he saw something and liked it and knew what it was as you know mc there's a lot more thought goes in to breeding and rearing than just breeding two decent dogs together some blood just gels some doesn't and a good dog isn't always a good stud
  3. What a great result for them I bet your mate is made up and that's his grandson hopefully hooked on Stevenage that said they have a good history in the cup they did us 1 /4 at home years ago and if I remember right brought a few thousand up im sure the little man and his grandad enjoyed there day I doubt the little fella will see many better results
  4. Be good to see a good old historical club likes yours up higher always enjoyed a trip to Hillsborough great old ground with decent support
  5. Was you on last night kd what a good game for a neutral and it was good to see that old ground rocking again and the toon played there part looked a great atmosphere Moore as done a great job there hopefully your championship bound which is looking good and you got a decent draw for the next round hopefully then get one of the big boys again
  6. Looks like he has fell out with Leeds utd as quick as he did arm wrestling ? now he his a West ham fan ?
  7. I find it difficult to believe they would put ginger a royal in any kind of danger even sat in a apache that could get shot down could you imagine how much press Taliban could get from that
  8. Wait till she divorces him in a few years as she really hasn't said that much only just enough to keep him flapping his gums I bet she has books and diarys at the ready about there marriage he's been done hook line and sinker by her and she will take him for as much as she can and then jump on the next thick cnut who can keep her relevant and earning
  9. I see vialli has died only 59 no age really
  10. Convert I think I read he was arrested here for rape years ago and more women are coming forward now reporting things
  11. The worst ideology for abuse against women and kids on a industrial scale is Islam even in this country it happens daily but the press won't go after them as we all have already seen numerous times
  12. I think a lot of the problem is there isn't enough proper pits about theses day there mostly scatter bred petbulls and those lads that do keep a sporting type don't like breeding with runners .some Jack on certain gear but excel on other stuff that's always been the case but heavier bull xs doing better than a racy one no not for me if it's in them it's in them a racy sort will always do better in opinion
  13. Been there buddy I lost a dog wasn't the best I have owned but one I would guarantee left everything on the field he gave me 100% every time he took some serious knocks but gave everything and we just gelled he use to come to work with me I would pay good money to have him back I was heart broke when I lost him
  14. Is that one of the chuckle brothers on the far left
  15. Can Frank survive tonight after the Brighton vist I can't see it myself there getting hammered talking of hammers moyses isn't enjoying the best of times could he be in line for the axe while at the top klopp is becoming the new mourinho with his bitching what's your lads thoughts on how your team is doing this season
  16. Totally agree Phil you have to be a certain type of handler and be of a certain mindset that can tune in to them not many can truth be told I can't and few have enough graft theses days to for fill there needs but they excel in the right hands and are a pleasure to watch
  17. you can certainly see the saluki in there a lovely pup and a well raised litter bear every credit to you
  18. Yes please do I always like to see how youngsters progress your kids picked well she has lovely shape to her atvb with her and she is in good hands so I look forward to see how she's doing
  19. I like her and from what I have seen of that cross there good alrounders not afraid when things get rough good luck with the youngster buddy I'm sure she will do you proud
  20. Go on why enlighten me are you the lad that runs whippets ?
  21. I bet your tensing up now every time a dog passes that bitch she will sense it just chill your problem is her on the lead and I bet you tensing up go your local vets or dog training class and just sit there and let her meet as many dogs as she can if she is good with other dogs she just wants to socialise and your stopping it hence the frustration she's still young socialise her more go parks etc no need for a collar
  22. One was on it last night in his local we had a nice walk tad wet enjoy your dig tb
  23. Nice team that nice views to have a walk in have a good day what ever you do bear
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