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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. It's the missing piece in greymans search he now finally has some decent proof
  2. I would love holly to offer me a go on her bush tucker trial
  3. The best I seen was a healer x Russell back in the late 80s he put some rats to bed one bite then move on a good decent brash dog to the lurchers as well but he did take a good number most trips got the owner some decent perm
  4. Enjoyed that what a good clip it's well mannered pup for its age nice and nosey around holes to thanks for sharing
  5. I know what you mean stop end a bit like someone being able to guide a fox to a hole of your choosing by shooting pigeon cartridges at it ? maybe you should lend him some of your special cartridges then he would know for sure what it's like round a hole ?
  6. Go on then Ken that's very good of you but can you fetch a few weeks worth of grub up as well as I don't want to upset her guts changing her diet to soon I'm only thinking of her Ken
  7. It's good to see you putting towels and coats on after a wet night the amount of mutts that just get chucked back in the motor or run then cramp up when a simple rub down or coat would of stopped it
  8. I think you should concentrate on the beddy x Ken she looks like she's going to be something special so as I owe you a favour Im willing to take that other bitch of your hands ?
  9. Now that Ken is a cracking looking bitch nice long back on her to
  10. What age is she now socks i have seen a few beddy crosses start of just like her similar in marking to should be a handy addition how's the busher coming on
  11. Who said highest bidder he said you will have to dig deep and you can bet it wouldn't just go to anyone and why should he gift it after spending good money on rearing them and jabs it's his pup and his price tag to decide and let's be right he certainly puts some miles and risk in more than most to test his dogs
  12. You want hitting on the head with a tin of better buy bake beans reading that shite
  13. 5 stolen quads recovered today at premises not ten mins away from me no wonder it's been as bad as it as round here lately and I can bet I know who it is as well last night 3 pulls last one went right through everything the motor/ tyres /lights the lot packed up at half three after that they followed me for about 5 miles must of then known i was heading home even with permission slips they are still out to do anyone anyway they can lamping there's no shortage of resources if they your poaching fecking joke
  14. You have some decent scenery and ground to go at northern good bag that
  15. Is there another dog there because sometimes it's a jealously thing if not try walking backwards calling him or crouch down and try calling him in in a soft tone but never snatch at his catch try and make a game out of it of him releasing it it will come with practice
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