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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. My mistake don I thought he had punch stuff at one point has he knows you get success and failers at anything in this game
  2. You seem to have a issue with pye bred stuff buddy may I ask why reading your posts your a educated lad so what's the issue you owned punch bred stuff didn't you if I'm not correct
  3. Crackers rise above it matey I don't either but you must pity him
  4. buddy the man has issues obviously as you can see
  5. Micky go to bed buddy best alround
  6. Before this goes to bullying micky has a problem obviously whether that's drink/ mental or both just hope his family gets the help they both need
  7. Find a pool and chuck a bag of lime up stream then get a net across the pool king
  8. No problem Michael if you do need any tips just ask ?
  9. Just chuck a line over secure down the other side and bait up with worms micky then crack the bbq up
  10. King the dog does it job ? and the blood is there I'm not going to say much more it's not the dogs fault but the owners till lad comfirms it's the same dog I don't want to say much more but I will if it is the same dog
  11. The breeding is bang on king of two good dogs that know there job
  12. Lurched lad was the dog bred in the North East then sold to a lad in Preston your mate at 10 months old if so I have it's breeding and background
  13. I didn't know that till he said bell he even puts his girlfriends run about in front of it on the drive just in case and as two trackers one he said is a ghost
  14. That's the thing meece my nephew has a high end Audi he was told not to leave his keys anywhere near the front door and to put them in a mental box he was given with the motor don't know why mental and put it in the draw I think if they want it they will get it it's bad round here at the min a couple of vans aweek are going and tools being took regular a lad told me they drive a car in front and one behind very close so cameras struggle to pick number plates up of nicked vans or they put false ones on over the top
  15. I doubt the cnuts that owned it before this last one even took it for a walk I bet its in a pen out to the motor worked home repeat and gets passed pillar to post reading lads posts the dog as no manners probably never taught any as long as it killed stuff they would of been happy and then it got away with bad habits shame really it could be stock broke yes probably with patience and time but I doubt it will ever get that but even if it did get broke could you really trust it say if it was running something then a sheep jumps out a ditch or out of some Heather and starts running in front of i
  16. I had a transit tipper nicked of the drive before Xmas no broken Windows they opened the door with a key and plugged a laptop in to the ecu and away they go all I got was a crime ref number and told to check local cctv but I'm not allowed to view it under data protection apparently a lad on my road had his took two weeks before mine caught it all on cctv same crack gone on just over 2 mins and both times trackers were removed and insurance are a fecking joke as well I hope you catch them meece b*****d thieves I hate em
  17. Just read max a j saying he would love to fight fury and it would be massive he also praised his performance against wilder and thought fury won I don't think he's ducking anyone max
  18. Night night micky time for beddy boes my old mucker
  19. Not my problem matey if they keep king happy that's all that matters
  20. King not a dig buddy but you keep calling his dog a jacker if you work enough to teeth sooner or later you will get one that doesn't fancy it wether that's that certain night or in general I have seen many that I would class as dogs that could take fox (sometimes jacking ) to what I would class as a fox dog to totally different dogs but what I don't like is how folk slag a man's dog of when they don't feed it or clean it seen it many times over the years and truth be told I have never seen a dog run you couldn't pick fault with
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