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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. Why bring ac name up then ? Fd no disprect ment but firstly you say you have always said what you think of a dog on a dig and how it did if you was on a invite of mine I would find that disrespectful if the dog had a bad day but to say you keep your line amongst trusted friends tight then it comes up you offered strangers on here pups I don't get it not a dig buddy but what is close line you speak of
  2. If it's the dog I think it is it isn't a ass ender quite the opposite but the dog is a total liability on all stock that's been passed from pillar to post by f**k book warriors best end for all would be to cull it but I feel sadly that won't happen
  3. Fd it's clear your a educated lad but unless your actually there you can only second quess on here like the rest of us but I can't see fireman lying he seems a honest sort he got a result at the end of the day and was out doing a bit we all have different views on that be a dog dug to /breeding /or lads themselves but you can only go of what you actually see and 30%of what you hear but unless your there you will never know
  4. Blackmag


    I think the only Thatcher you seen or knew worked on a roof buddy as micky said all the best places were guarded and fisty cuffs weren't uncommon
  5. Blackmag


    There was some good ones the first offline offer to Stan I think then doodles restocking his golf course and the lad with the laser control on rabbits there's been some good ones
  6. True dc I remember a old lad gifting me a pup back in 87 I tried to pay him but he was a mate of my old man's and wouldn't here of it then about 15 years later he lost his dog to a car accident running a hare he only kept one lurcher till near retirement then had a pup on I went and seen him when I heard and gave him a pup out of my old dog who lined a far better bitch if I'm honest he got bracken at 6 months she did far more with him than she would of with me and gained a decent rep locally and was a decent bitch because he was a very good knowledgeable man on all things and he had perm eve
  7. I suggested one to the Mrs just think how you liked max and paddy how much fun we could have she said yeh and I won't even have to buy the pig you would come with it I said the world's your oyster she said ok no dogs or fishing gear allowed she's still waiting
  8. Don stop messing with the man it's not on buddy you need to p.m out team on here he has loads of pm s so just keep messaging him and don't give up he's your man if you need to know anything
  9. Good result and good to see the old girl still has in her Steve well done
  10. What excuses have you heard for lads not going out on a night or day one that sticks out was I will meet you round the corner don't come to the door if she thinks I'm killing things with her dog she will kick me out ? plus she hates you
  11. I got this pup last week but the Mrs is due to drop next week and doesn't want a dog about with the baby due takes all quarry will swop for a air rifle pup is bred of pye lines Khan jihad to geninue benji lines who parents won the forley a record number of times pups done nothing take your pick
  12. Ot you remind me of a preacher up town preaching spreading the word sharing your wise wisdom when the disciples won't listen like on here but they will when they know your wisdom comes from experience and field craft and they will thank you eventually when they know your words were truthful keep up the good work
  13. McCoy never walked when I saw him and I never heard of him doing so far better lads than me rated him highly I did see a couple of his offspring and they were very good dogs in fact after one dig a stiff one at that a good friend said after I commented said he's not his sire he was better but he's decent to dig too maybe the dog was having a bad day
  14. See our team this site and section as actually been missing someone like you whos been there and done it real field craft thank you for that now please keep posting your expertise were all learning new methods and tips that will benefit is all in the future
  15. McCoy was owned by pb some say the dog was a jacker I only saw the dog twice and on the second occasion he was bullied but a lot rated him I think ch bred McCoy McCoy hung himself on a chain at home
  16. I agree dc but we all say things we sometimes regret and it was unlike him some even thought he had been hacked
  17. Only because he put you on the naughty step oasis don't look back in anger would be more fitting
  18. Andy is not the first nor the last to have a melt down on here he has put up many good posts and pics up on here you were soon all to put likes to now your slating him if he sells or culls the pups so what his pups his choice and price
  19. I asked the wife what would you do if I won the lottery she said I would take half and divorce you that's good I won a tenner here's a fiver now feck of
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