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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. Be a clever dog to use and run with one of them
  2. Come on king give the man his sheep back you only beat the jocks it's no big deal
  3. Well done Wales and England on your victories and hard luck to the jocks again with another loss
  4. When I first met my Mrs she had a ebt that was seriously protective of her and the house and hated me then she got a pup out of him they were both the same no need for any fancy big dogs they would of done some serious damage to anyone that went near her or the house both them b*****ds even hated me
  5. After the documentary do you think he's nounce or not
  6. As I only keep working dogs first of I will like to see the parents work at atleast a few times because of was only once they could have a great night or day or a nightmare then it's how the pups look wormed healthy shiny coats and I like a fattish pup that's fed a proper diet but more than anything the conditions there kept in and reason for breeding and then a bold confident pup
  7. Is this gaffer from snipe/ ern /and socks old bitch stuff
  8. I hoping Harry hill Tony Blair Lilly Allen and sad dick Khan but Billy Connolly not looking good
  9. Sorry for your loss buddy atleast you have the memories and she had a good inning
  10. Sorry lurcherman but your hero socks only starts rip threads that folk have heard of just a heads up
  11. A farm I have permission on as a shop at bury market and his black pudding are the best I've had and that's after coming from a family of slaughter men boners etc myself included that worked in most of the local slaughter houses boning plants have always eaten everything from trype black pudding to ribeye bury market the place unless you go direct
  12. Try downsouth or gnasher on here they may know
  13. Some get confused when a dog may look physically ready to when it's mentally ready knowing is the difference
  14. I have no doubt theses are very good and capable dogs it was just a question
  15. I agree with what you lads are saying but if I had a bitch gifted and was worth breeding from and was from a line I would first seek the advice of the breeder as he knows the line best and take it from there and I would offer a pup back also but I would never be held to ransom over a gifted pup
  16. What can theses dogs do a decent bull grey couldn't
  17. is that micky in the drivers seat in the first photo
  18. That's one big herd must be farmed im sure even dog fox could get a result there well maybe not but they do need thinning out
  19. Like us everyone has a off day wether that's sore or not feeling right you might of been a bit eager there buddy you tried him the same day he walked I would of stuck with him a bit longer
  20. She's still young yet buddy maybe getting bored just do the odd one chuck a ball on a walk try walking backwards calling her in or have a squeaky toy or something in your hand that will grad her attention and kneel down and talk in a silly excited voice make every thing fun and a game to her
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