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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. Now now don I hope there's no lies in that ?
  2. Morton gaz needs your words of wisdom regarding beddy xs please enlighten him
  3. Paddy walks in a florist and asks can I have a bunch of flowers for my girlfriend certainly sir replied the assistant what is it your after paddy replies a shag
  4. Having seen the good and bad of both crosses over the years and you can pick fault with any cross and a lot I think without causing offence comes down to the handlers and there interest in whatever cross there running and how to run and handle them because they will know more than me about what they have but I knew of a minshaw bitch to a beddy grey my mate picked up in Carlisle died early but what a prospect she had everything good strike retrieve and was a clever runner on whatever she ran personally I would rather own something with a bit of everything but she certainly stood out and
  5. I'm not but alas I'm more for my own company theses days besides I wouldn't want to deny Daniel c his trophy ?
  6. No buddy bit far besides I'm a loner
  7. So your not you going then be nice to socks and he might give you a pardon and maybe a day out with the dogs seriously you will be missing out on what sounds a good weekend and cause
  8. Because there on the thl and have read what's been said obviously ?
  9. Told you you would bottle it ?
  10. You turning up at the fishing comp is getting less likely by the post
  11. I was going to say at half time how quiet they were thankfully I learned that lesson with malt and Wales not to
  12. Bear we should be talking about your comeback and second half performance not terriers as much as it pains me your second half performance was up there with any result
  13. What a second half thank God them sweaty socks didn't win
  14. Congratulations Wales well deserved to win the grand slam
  15. Your right about one thing already you should of played your second team atleast they might have scored by now
  16. A ex squaddie in his 70s is to be charged with murder while serving queen and country yet known ira terrorists are given a pardon it's just shows this country for what it is
  17. Not soft matey use his other skills to bring chances to the table wether that be bolting to the runners or marking as long as he has a job im sure you will both be happy
  18. It wasn't meant as a dig buddy far from it it was when you said he was just reckless he sounds a handy sort to have about
  19. I mean no offence buddy but he looks far from reckless after his encounter maybe find him a job marking or working shallow if that's what you want
  20. Johnny boy Fuji gone to earth stig and I always enjoyed craigy boys input( rip ) there's a lot I could mention but things are what they are hopefully they may return
  21. Above jig cracking write up it's funny how age soon creeps up on you especially the legs being on rough ground and good luck with the litter
  22. Nearly everyone will have a different opinion unless it walks totally from a arse grabber on teeth to a dog that runs of its own accord is to some a jacket to others it's a good dog if it sees things through but one thing that gripes me is lads talking behind folks backs if you don't rate the dog say nothing as you don't feed it
  23. The lad doodles was a case restocking his golf course then holding coursing comps and the lad with the laser rabbit control device that argued with malt but the disabled car parking fight took some beating
  24. Baw was one who could get a thread going I liked stigs posts theres a good few who put some interesting views up and the brick as well
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