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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. How many domestic bred ferrets have 12 young and all survived not many ot and as for the conversanist bit unless on pest control I think you would be surprised just how many lads manage their perms
  2. Blackmag


    Behave wilf I like a lot of your posts but if you think max ever saw the inside of roker park then you must have been hit by radition
  3. Blackmag

    the fight

    Nash. Not knowing much about the finer art of things but being a fan how can wilder not be classed as a finisher with record of kos just curious
  4. Second that marvel he knows his stuff just don't mention Tyson fury or the gravy then you will get some sound advice
  5. Blackmag

    the fight

    took one the other night for snoring took more than a few minutes to recover I think I did quit cause I didn't get another
  6. That's very similar stamp to the dog I mentioned trig nice type
  7. Blackmag

    the fight

    Yes max I did I saw he had run out of ideas and steam and maybe took it for granted the best man won
  8. Blackmag

    the fight

    I know kd but I can't understand why max would label a lad who fulfilled his dream and became heavyweights champion a average joe quitter etc we all have a opinion just some shout louder than most and never being in aj position last night like me and many others we don't know what it takes to recover so I just think max slating him is a bit ott
  9. Blackmag

    the fight

    And what's your achievements in the ring max or come to that experience round boxing to form some a view
  10. Blackmag

    the fight

    Max he wasn't right after being caught the first time behind the head he might not of got hit as hard as fury did but it wasn't just one shot was it it was a few every time fair play to the other lad got his chance and took it do you think fury would of lasted max if the knock down in the last round had happened half way through I doubt it
  11. Blackmag

    the fight

    I don't think it's the end of the world how times have we seen upsets and loses then they come back stronger he fought a better man and it maybe a wake up call max he got dropped four times and got up for three of them how's that not having heart
  12. Bill if I have read that right the majority might want fifty runs a night but I I bet most don't get that and would be suited with that in a few outing of course there's a good few who do get more but I would say they aren't in majority
  13. Why have a padlock on the 3 doors and not the fourth and his that beddy marking a can of John Smith's nice clean setup ot
  14. If he took 50 notes of you for that he is certainly no friend even the dog r refuses to lie in it
  15. I agree tc he was far from the quickest I have seen nor the most athetic but knew how to run never picked a run and could run most places and he wasn't the only lab cross that I heard of that could
  16. I think I have mentioned it before one of the best lamp dogs I ever saw was a first cross good retrieve land or water decent feet and a decent coat with plenty of brains as you would expect and could take a knock or two and could run most places never the quickest but he knew how to run different quarry I would think it's one cross you would get plenty of interest from if you did breed and as a bonus they don't bring unwanted attention
  17. I think nowadays compared to say 20 years ago a lot of good lads have packed up with the way things are then a good few that did contribute on here got banned for one reason or another but just like dogman don't said folk can't be arsed the job is hard enough as it is with out bringing it on top you only need to look on Facebook to see just how stupid some can be with pics and write ups
  18. Terry I don't mean any offense matey but All this shite you hear about bullxs take with a pinch of salt they are one of the most loyal eager to please and trainable xs you could meet all crosses will have there faults some more than others but normally the bull x loves to graft and please it's owner how you mould that what's counts
  19. I have seen more collie xs prone to show a interest in sheep wether that's the herder in them im not sure but any cross can and will take them I can't stand I'll mannered dogs not even broken to stock just lazy owners and normally they get passed because of it but I have found running venison regular pre ban does test them with sheep especially in half light or when they suddenly jump out a ditch or Heather
  20. I would say stock train socialize and recall and let him work things out for himself day time but most of all just take your time even if he looks physically ready he won't be mentally
  21. Mix grill surely you could of sorted this quietly my apologies if I have got the wrong person but didn't you have issues with a.c. at one time
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