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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. Maybe he's searching for the holy grail or he's not doing enough research in to what he actually wants or needs there's many like that seen some dogs come good infact very good with a bit of time and patience
  2. Good luck with her John nice to have a terrier about is she just for mooching about
  3. It's the only way Bill no point kidding yourself
  4. Steady on lads max will be along to put you right fury is the best since Ali what with maxys years of experience round a gym and the fight scene you need to wise up and listen
  5. I should hope so there professional athletes at the very top of heavyweight boxing
  6. Still haven't answered my question max
  7. I heard you the first time max lol
  8. Go on then max what do you think of last night was he a creditable opponent for fury
  9. We both know Joshua as fought alot more higher ranked opponents than fury max can you honestly say that last night was even a contest
  10. Glad I didn't pay to watch that shite looked more like a promotional thing to get the yanks on side atleast Joshua fought someone that was ranked what a farce
  11. Thank feck I have never had anything worth breeding from for years
  12. Fair play I hope everything works out ot
  13. You have time to feed them day old chicks that may suit you fine but what about feeding them something that suits there needs it's hardly a long process and if you have time to feed chicks you have the time to feed other stuff ot
  14. Kid I maybe getting mixed up here but was Jones the man who kept and bred match dogs sorry for going of topic
  15. There is side of it I suppose dc and as you know you can spot a show pony right away but if you keep away from that side of things kids can have a bit of fun and you can have a catch up
  16. i don't do shows as a rule but Sometimes it's a good way of catching up with lads you haven't seen in a few years and maybe raising a few quid for the likes of different clubs but end of the day its just a bit of fun and maybe a chance to get the young ones involved and win a rosette or two and watch how proud they are leaving the ring
  17. Ot I don't know what you mean but just enjoy
  18. Don't give up hunting just the beer if something works for you stick with it but don't discard others experience
  19. How many domestic bred ferrets have 12 young and all survived not many ot and as for the conversanist bit unless on pest control I think you would be surprised just how many lads manage their perms
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