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Everything posted by Blackmag

  1. I think dy is on about rovers Newcastle
  2. The history of that stadium and the teams and players that have graced it brilliant newkid I don't think I would of missed paying it a vist if in Milan
  3. You not a hammers fan anymore wilf
  4. Just watched forest utd I wish someone would take Fernandez clean out whinging little bitch always looking for a foul then jumps straight up when the ball passes embarrassing or crying to the ref play like they did tonight haaland and co are seriously going to destroy them inside 20 mins on Sunday
  5. cracking pictures east coast a few memories there for him
  6. There's still plenty about but all theses new housing estates coupled with mobile phones and anpr make it harder
  7. Non taken mc ned ect did week in week out single handed or paired up what your coursers couldn't or wouldn't do every week horses for courses
  8. No them videos you saw they were out for numbers all them dogs were single handed
  9. As a example Scotsman max bred by ed Reid pye otter dee spike Sam Kelly billy Charlie may blacky and many more did what yours couldn't do in a night or a few times a week week in week out and there's many more less known family of dogs that do everything don't be kennel blind mc
  10. You haven t seen any decent bull xs by the sounds of it
  11. Mc behave your dogs would Jack within a night or two given enough it's not about how far they run because all runs don't run more than a couple of mins but what they have mentally
  12. Mc them Welsh hills are dangerous to walk never mind run gear and then dogs work seriously hard to even find gear no point and slip there and it's one thing a day or one night try a few times a week every week then you will know what you have
  13. A credit to you bullyson that black pup is my type a cracker that
  14. Mc run against a whippet on a golf course your going lose run against those crosses that then Welsh lads or any lad that are running in those mountains your going to lose run gear that gives it back you lose but there's no doubting your slop dogs rule the roost in what you do and the ground you run but as you know speed isn't everything
  15. Sorry for your loss ray my condolences to you all
  16. Mc the term coursing isn't about stopping a hare after 5 minutes on slop
  17. I see moyses saying he has a new contract on the table but will see the season out before deciding whether to sign it
  18. Done alright staying alive seeing as she said there's folk out to kill her in that camp
  19. Mc I've no doubt your dogs do you proud and what you do you keep a good yard but it's one thing running a old hare compared to anything that wants to fight back edible or teeth week in week out yours will be found wanting horses for courses
  20. Mc your a decent lad with a good yard but you but are seriously kennel blind
  21. Not hundred per cent sure of the area paulus but they were found out on a night out
  22. I see another Sunderland manager gone 2 in 2 months now the shortest ever rein of a Sunderland manager beale
  23. I will give that a watch cheers
  24. Yeah that's the one buddy we don't have cages like that unless it's on official sporting sites it just shows how many that area produces many don't become house hold names but still make a good living from the game
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