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foxy john jnr

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Everything posted by foxy john jnr

  1. where abouts in sussex and how much are you seriously looking for ?
  2. how has everyone been getting on have everyone met there quota for the year ?
  3. i think its all a money making scheme and it does not make you a better stalker in any way what so ever most of what they ask is common sense and as for the accuracy they require on the targets which i think i a few shots in to 6 inchs you should be able to do that with your eyes closed
  4. the only dog i have not seen is rickson
  5. doughnut is still about him and the oldman dont talk tho i wont go in to details to much ask the big fella when you speak to him he will tell you more i still see doughnut tho
  6. since we got older my little brother cant hide behind my mother i remember that, the old mans good thanks still as mad as ever hes out today funny enough with that same hunt which he works for now
  7. that would be a few years ago now
  8. i think maybe you owe chimp an apology for the way you spoke to him a minute ago, especially because you were wrong chimp dont know who i am yet he will understand when he does, and as for the car ramming its a private joke to let him know who i am, as for the maths bit it was 15 years ago when i first met sb and i maybe have got a bit carryed away with the dates as it was so long ago but then i dont have to explain anything any way the dates bit im fine with, but i dont understand how getting someone to ram his car can be seen as a joke...this is getting off topic, the post is a
  9. i think maybe you owe chimp an apology for the way you spoke to him a minute ago, especially because you were wrong chimp dont know who i am yet he will understand when he does, and as for the car ramming its a private joke to let him know who i am, as for the maths bit it was 15 years ago when i first met sb and i maybe have got a bit carryed away with the dates as it was so long ago but then i dont have to explain anything any way
  10. he was 12 when he went to where all the good dogs go
  11. you wanna behave patch or i'll send irsh terry to ram your car again
  12. my maths might be shit but if you read {about 15 years ago} i'm talking when sb was down all the time and when havoc first started out
  13. i forgot to mention some other greats that come from the SB yard which were two bitchs called winny and marley which i'm probably one of a few that did get to see them do there job, i was thinking about rickson and bert last night i dont think anyone could comment on them both until they stood the test of time like the old fella did i can remaeber the first time seeing havoc coming to my old mans house which would be about 15 years ago he would have been 10 months old and over the years i would have seen that dog tryed in every situation possible and not once did that dog ever fail and not on
  14. i've seen havoc do his job more than enough, i've only been out with bert the once and i see him do enough of a job that day shall be out again soon maybe i had abit of a soft spot for the old fella dont know much about rickson as i have never been out with him as for the silly talk that was my opinion until proven other wise which is not that silly just what i think
  15. i've been lucky enough to see both bert and havoc do there job and i think havoc will always be abit in front but then i have seen havoc do his job since the early days.
  16. just interested in how many of the people that have posted on this thread that have seen the old boy in action r.i.p
  17. how many of you see the dog in action ?
  18. what ammo have you been putting threw it ?
  19. i can get you a new tikka t3 s/s when you want 1 a [bANNED TEXT] of mine has got them in stock give me a call and come down and i'll take you over there
  20. is it still for sale ? and is it a turbo ?
  21. where abouts are you fella ?
  22. maybe not an animal, but they could of bit your finger. a row of false teeth
  23. like top terier man says it should only be 1 hole but it can take another hole or a quick bit of trenching on which you cant blame a good dog for but most of my old mans dogs are all 1 hole but then thats why he has so many terriers as the sick bay can fill up pretty quick
  24. what is the most unusual animal you have ever dug or heard of being dug ?
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