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Everything posted by Bearfoot

  1. Dont have to be lurchers to he your best dog ?mine was 45 years ago nothing will replace him
  2. deep heather moors double wires rocks ditches and the odd cliff failing that open cast mines worked them all my dogs floating on flat feilds
  3. Let's face it most wild animals are riddled way fluick ?
  4. Eye golf course rabbits are fast the birds of prey centre needed some rabbits 8 years old still got it ? maybe go out fr salmon 1 last day ?
  5. Wait till your in a game larder every day cleaning or using a plucker it's like anything to much will make you sick my mate wanted to gilli on the tay a life time dream he ended up hating it becomes a job ?I've always been happy being a part timer il.decide when I go or not 6 days a week no thank you ????????
  6. 200million on a ballroom ???????3rd best golf course in Europe madman
  7. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    Your write ups of wee neil were better than this drivel I used to enjoy them ?
  8. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    Take you dog up the lake district see if can do what boots done and stop bumping your cums ?
  9. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    only decent thing on whole thread
  10. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    check mate atb guys ?
  11. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    Anyway c green thanks for the offer of a pup few years ago but the bitch I had at the time was putting a smile on my face ?
  12. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    I.musy admit I.like a wize banger myself ??a bit like myself
  13. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    You said you seen a dog spew without its owner shows your knowledge on dogs ?
  14. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    I wouldent even put a lead on a terrier it can learn adapt do several tasks black dogs are like niggers there in the pen most days way a sore face ?I ran a wood out becouse my mates spaniels failed on a roe drive I put a thing in that looked like a cyclops ?it dod what was asked most guys bumping there guns usually get beat same way fishing shooting it's the ones who say nowt you have to watch I've never had the best never wanted it either we went to fens 35 years ago.my mates we beddy x killed 2 only dog in the day it was killing loads hares a stupid wee rabbit dog he used to call it ? it wa
  15. Bearfoot

    MP stabbed

    Theres a few lesbians that walk akittas up the bridle paths it's about all there good for ? theres guys on here judging dogs without there owners I've seen dogs that wont run kill 5 way there owner present . Big money's aboot 70pnd up here we all poor
  16. There is several ?fallow roe seki salmon
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