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Everything posted by Bearfoot

  1. Best getting everything trackered most good farms have vehicle reg npr readers camera ? on gates there that advanced they can inject them in anyware rural crime is up it’s sad times for the working dog some estates are using drones it’s a sad sign of the times I wouldn’t like to be young again we had the best they can never take away our memory’s iam just going to enjoy what’s left ?can these fckers no work like the rest off us
  2. I can only go on how I contuct myself we all have different standards that's what makes us individuals I won't be filling in a application form
  3. There is a significant difference in one man hunting for the pot and guys matching dogs we don't need to do the maths
  4. any Solider has my total respect I find there life story’s very interesting most were killed as young men boys in fact
  5. As a nation we have lost the plot humans have became weak there ain’t no real men left in the world I sat with two men that talked of war there story’s were amazing I have total respect for my elder generation but look what we have become including myself internet warriors that put likes on peoples posts and pictures that we will never meet wtf has the world turned into there biggest war was the freedom of speach which now is being taken away from us be proud of your fathers grandads members of your family who were killed speak up be heard and be proud carry there story’s on .
  6. For that game she done you proud no always the most are the best memorys ?I've sickened myself a few times ?
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