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Everything posted by ferretman22

  1. each one of the dogs need abullet. thats the worst coursing ive seen for years. five dogs on one hare no wounder why hunting is in such abad place. wo needs antis when theres people who will f**k up hunting for us.
  2. first rule of shooting never shoot through hedges where you cant see the other side. you can both sstand each side of the hedge as long as your opposite each other and keep good comunication with each other and if can be. be seen by each other. i normally stop the rabbits running the hedge by putting bags each side. they tend to run 5 or 10 yards out the hedge when they see or hear the bag move. i tend not to shoot over the set just in case aferrets in the wrong place. thats how i shoot when bolting to rabbits anyway. happy hunting
  3. ferretman22


    my lurcher broke her growth plate in her back leg, when she was apup. everyone said she wouldnt run again. even the vet. now shes llamping 3 nights aweek and ferreting. i dont think its effected her to much probably her turn slightly but thats it.
  4. bob your a super tit. what gives you the right to slag of other breeders. if your dog didnt make the grade dot you think thats your fault not the breeder.
  5. dug them out in italy had some good fun with them. very dangerous above ground but piss below ground. have to see if i still got pictures. 9 times out of ten they were bald by the time we got to them from shooting spikes at the dogs. one ever had one accident with them when i had to pull aquill out of his nose. some of the buggers grew to the size of baddgers.
  6. that grey ferret is aspitting image of my jill. i think id beter check shes still there. lol
  7. this aint the personal ads you know. but welcome to yorkshire and good luck
  8. jesus crist just pull it out
  9. most ferrets go through the stage of moltin tails . all mine do and i just leave it to grow back
  10. mazda, barracuda 2.5 td i brought it few months ago had no problem with it hunting. goes everywhere i want to, probably one of the best 4x4 on the road at the mo. much better than the L200. thats my opinion anyway
  11. look on ebay there alot of great deals, i brought 100 for £30
  12. i agree i found this on sunday while out with my mate. it makes adiffrent bleep to the mk1
  13. so let me get this right, it ok to tresspass on someone land to hunt rats, but it not to hunt deer, fox and hare. as far as im consirened tresspassing is tresspassing what ever your hunting. how many of you lot would be happy with someone hunting in your back garden or field. and as for treating the game keeper i think they want to be happy they got afine and not a f***ing good hiding which you would get from some gamekeepers. or even there dogs shot by the gamekeeper
  14. can someone tell me where i can get hold of a t bar or if someone got one for sale. cheers
  15. could be a bit dicey when your crowning in because of the 2 blades?. all the best there used for digging post holes. useless realy because it doesnt grip that much soil
  16. most of them peged apart from 5 or 6 which are new. very good condition. 3ft to 3 1/5 ft sensible offers only.
  17. flint dont worry, thats aload of b****** that were taking money away from big game estates half of them get chucked away after being shot. besides in north yorkshire you cant go nowhere witout seeing aload of the rodents.
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