I had a Smithfield tumbler x track greyhound the fastest dog I ever owned by far was alright wi sheep then decided to round up about 200 sheep about arf mile away from me in seconds I thought the dog was bomb proof it never went on the dales again. I couldn't bray him because by the time he came back he wouldn't have known what the pain was for and I wasn't going to risk it again could have lost permission if farm owner had seen it
Rabbit numbers are sadly decimated everywhere gone are the days as youths when we used to tek piles of bunnies every week fromt dales. I think if you stayed there a week you wunt get what we used to in a day
Campbell it's jusup road fromt mull innit I know a lad that's jus ad ous and shooting lodge built up there he sed it was blathered wi rabbits when they started building
Why is it when a cock like him that wrote that , cos he as a gun licence other cocks seem to believe an tek heed and commend what he sez but when us dog lot say owt like that they say we,re f*****g liars
I've always rolled a golf ball down the beam it seems to have worked for me or at least I think it as they just get used to seein summat move in the beam. In the past I've been convinced the pup was blind. I saw a mate a couple yrs ago driven mental by his dog not looking at prey from as little as two ft away he actually tapped one bunny on the head to make it move and the pup still didn't react but a well seasoned fella said give us it ere walked up to the rabbit talking to the dog and trotted on with dog when the rabbit took off and the little f****r took it and never looked back. But I stil
I an't been up ont dales for over a year las time 3 of us went up ont perm at kettlewell one went ont buckden side two of us went on't kettlewell side between us we got 17 rabbits that was every bunny seen wer caught