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Stephen unwin.

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Everything posted by Stephen unwin.

  1. Thought you'd ave chose day meself either either I say
  2. I won't run off just don't be slipping back for afters
  3. On the farm where they found the dead jeweller
  4. I have a farm at houghton am going next week if you fancy it
  5. This was a decent deer dog best dog I ever owned he'd tek owt you point him at
  6. My take on deer after Christmas dinner and a shed load of bow is feck it lets be naughty
  7. Yeah it's a delorian fully equipped with flux capacitor see you in 2003
  8. Bushers are a great tool for heavy cover try keep the big artillery on the slips. In time gone by that is
  9. Anyway deer dogs this boy should be one
  10. Youve got to twist blackies arm now mate
  11. Predictive said Mel but it's meant to be mek
  12. Am a Yorkshire lad thanoz I'll do it in English for yer in future. I live in South Lincolnshire now an they can't understand me either
  13. Ey blackie the deer game as med me shit meself a few times aswell when ive to mek an asty retreat
  14. It's crazy to think that some think bullx is the only cross good enough my col wip grey could drop em all day long
  15. My bitch raced one the other day that she put out of an edge it was lucky that's all I can say but disappointment filled me head on the way ome
  16. By how many bramble thorns are stuck in the gentleman sausage
  17. Yeah I can understand that I've been close meself. Merry Christmas anyway y'all
  18. I've had some excellent times in pursuit of the munty more than any other cervine
  19. They've driven me to almost insanity sometimes I just love em. sorry loved em past tense
  20. One of them tiger bull saluki xs is what yer need fo,t reds?
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