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Stephen unwin.

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Everything posted by Stephen unwin.

  1. You could slaughter em at the time
  2. Buggars art they bud.another pal of mine his dog dug through his f-----g sofa while he wer out
  3. A butcher in Leeds said to me one day he left his lurcher in the car then said if I gave you a Stanley knife you couldn't do as much damage in ten minutes as that dog did
  4. Bet they wer whining all the way there
  5. That's a b-----d blacky am gutted for yer. Tried to get in touch wi yer Friday forra walk round,t Houghton
  6. I have most of the darcy books and have enjoyed em all was havoc not a good dog
  7. I've heard in't past they can go a bit loopy after 2yr old
  8. Wlmmmi don't know if Had one not for me parted company
  9. Always lurcher from 15 to 47 yrs of age always lurcher
  10. Next time I hit Houghton it will be pm your not s copper r u
  11. Enough bow but trust to me opens bigger doors I live on the fens now so bigger picture an all that
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