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Everything posted by Jim71

  1. Up to now she meets me at her pen gate at feeding time. She climbs up my leg to be fed and jumps onto my hand to feed. She’ll chase a lure like crazy and i’ve Just trained her to go into a pet carrier. She’ll come out of her pen and follow me back in. Will she let me pick her up? You must be kidding! She goes nuts.
  2. Yes I know of him. His name is Joseph Carter. His dog, Onsa, was killed by a truck a few months ago and he's in the process of training another couple. He doesn't often reply to messages on his sites, in fact he just deleted a question I asked him. I've learned a lot from his videos though before I came across Molly, the mink I have. She climbs my leg to feed from my hand just now and plays constantly with lures i drag for her. I would really like to breed from her next year and my request is for someone with a male mink to breed with and share the kits. I had ferrets for 45 years but mink are
  3. Hi. I’m in the process of training a young mink that I found as a baby to hunt rats. I’d like to breed from her next year. Has anyone got a reasonably tame male?
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