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ferret 1

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Everything posted by ferret 1

  1. i had the same trouble today i brought a AA pro sport yesterday trying to zero it in today, the scope i was using was a hawke night-eye, the trouble i had was the scope turret wouldn't go far enoth to the right i tried a few little tricks like a little bit of packing but it still wouldn't go far enoth over to the right so i took another scope off one of my other rifles, put it on the pro sport the scope was a hawke map-pro, zero'd it in on the pro sport with in 5 shots tried the night eye on the other rifle same trouble, would not go far enoth over to the right, so i took the scope to my l
  2. hello all, i had a phone call this afternoon from a good mate of mine offering me his AA pro sport in .177 (beech stock) it all started just before christmas when he said he was thinking about selling his AirArms, and i said i was very interested if he wanted to sell it, as i've said before it is a AA pro sport .177 (beech stock) hawke nighteye 4-16x50 i know the gun and the scope is in mint condition, but that is not the problem, the problem is he has asked me to make him a decent offer and i heavent got a clue, i just wondered if any one on here could give me an idea as i dont want to make a
  3. hi country boy i cannot comment on the AA s510 because i have never owned one, but i do own hw 100 in both .22 and .177 and a AA s410 in .177 both apsolute cracking rifles for hunting and all round but if had to choose between the AA and the hw it would be the hw for me every time but that is just my personal choice, it is your choice at the end of the day what ever you feel happy with but i am sure what ever you choose you will have many years of happy hunting
  4. hi all, i just wondered what the thoughts were on the hw 97kt as my wife got me one for christmas but i have not had a chance to have a play so i just wondered what the thoughts were on these guns any info would be greatly recieved thank you
  5. hi Aaron i went from a AA s410 to a HW100k TH.22 and got on with it so much i now own a HW100 in both .177 and .22
  6. i have the hw 100k thumbhole in both .177 and .22 and it is a very accurate rifle in both calibre's the choice of calibre is down to the individual what ever you feel most confident with
  7. i took my new hw 100 k TH down my mates farm today to zero the scope and have a bit of a plink about and i do agree with all of you 100 percent it is a cracking little gun my first pcp was a aa s410 then i went from one of them to a bsa super 10 then i went back to an aa s410 i am so glad the bloke in the gun shop talked me into trying the hw 100 k i am sure me and the hw 100 will have many, many successful hunting trips together happy hunting to all
  8. went down to my local gun shop today to take a gun back which i brought just over a week ago and which i have been having problems with on the intention of getting another aa s410 but ended up instead with a hw 100k and what i can tell at the moment scence i have only owned it for a couple of hours it seems like a good little gun very quiet and accurate just wondered what you lads and lasses think of them
  9. hi there mate i have a theoben evo in .177 walnut and its a cracking airgun one of the best i own
  10. hi to all i have just picked up today a s/h aa s410 .22 k i just wondered how many shots i would hope to get per charge any help would be appreciated thanks
  11. hi wippetboy i have just got myself a hw77k this weekend bit rough around the edges but a cracking little air rifle in my opinion you wont go far wrong with one good luck
  12. i done a favour this morning for my boss, a small headge row on a friend of hers, horse paddocks went and i had a look on saturday look really good just 5 smallish berries along a small headge when i was over there on saturday they asked me if there was anything they needed to do and i said no leave it to me when i got there this morning it looked like a tractor had been through the headge turns out yesterday they went up there with a chainsaw and completly hacked the headge to bits thinking they were making life easier for me even so i had 7 rabbits and a good dig sorry no pictures they w
  13. i had a air arms s200 nice little guns happy hunting with it
  14. nice one coney good bag mate
  15. out again tonight for a couple of hours this time it was a paid job on a alotment 8 rabbits and £60 carn't be bad
  16. this is my TDR a cracking little airgun very accurate
  17. hi its a air arms s410 in .177 and the scope is a hawke 3.9.50
  18. just pop out for a couple of hours last night
  19. tried to get some photo's of the kits this morning and this is the best i could get at the moment there looks to be about 8 kits but mum is very skitish at the moment as soon as i get a chance to get some better ones i will post them but mother and kits are doing ok
  20. i have just put a deposite on a logun sweet 16 i just wondered if anybody out there who uses one could tell me what there are like i have always used airarms and fancied a change and the logun sweet 16 cought my eye
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