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Everything posted by Tazroofer

  1. Iv just double checked the number it is TB 15349. Thank you again for your help.
  2. Thank you guys for all your help yesterday. I was hoping someone would be able to help me please with the month and year rifle was made. Iv tyred checking Web pages but can't find any thing at all. Code - TB15349
  3. Thank you for the help I am looking at sell the rifle were would be best place to sell please
  4. Hello guys I have just signed up and was hoping some one could help me please. I was given theoben H.E system cal 20 / 5.05 mm air rifle by a passing family member and would love to know some information on the air rifle. I have check so many Web sites and pictures and 3 air rifles look like the one I got but still not 100% sure.
  5. Hello guys I have just signed up and was hoping some one could help me please. I was given theoben H.E system cal 20 / 5.05 mm air rifle by a passing family member and would love to know some information on the air rifle. I have check so many Web sites and pictures and 3 air rifles look like the one I got but still not 100% sure.
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